Thursday, April 30, 2009


Good morning...  Today is Thursday, April 30, 2009 and I am going to have a bowl of Cheerios and top it off with some luscious, healthy blueberries.  I realize that my choice for breakfast lacks creativity, but I am pressed for time and it seems like a good idea.

I wonder what the President eats for breakfast these days.  It's not easy to appear in a different venue every ten seconds and still have time for a nourishing meal.  It may be my imagination, but I swear I see Obama on television every single day, sometimes twice a day.  He travels around the country like the Fugitive in search of the one-armed man.  Air Force One must have spent a hefty stimulus package on fuel hauling him and his entourage around.  

Do you think it could be restless leg syndrome that keeps him bouncing around the world non-stop?  Perhaps, someone forgot to tell him that the campaign ended when he actually won the election.  I can't help but wonder how he finds the time to get any substantive work done.  Does he sit in the Oval Office and read documents and formulate policy, or is he flipping through travel brochures and planning his next trip?

No matter what channel I turn on, eventually, I see the President either apologizing for America's wanton ways or pitching something.  Unless I was hallucinating, I believe I saw him doing a infomercial for the company that produces TelePrompters!

I am so bummed.  Every time I see President Obama on television the Joe Jones song...POPS...into my head...
                                                     You talk too much
                                                     You worry me to death
                                                     You talk too much
                                                     You even worry my pet
                                                     You just talk, 
                                                     Talk too much

Enjoy the rest of the day.  My Cheerios were quite delicious.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Today is Wednesday, April 29, 2009 and I am preparing a Cheesy Noodle Omelette for breakfast today in recognition of Arlen Specter's defection to the Democratic party.  His announcement was cheesy at best and proof of what happens when you have noodles for brains!

I'm using 2 eggs, a little salt and pepper, 1/2 cup of cooked noodles and 1/2 cup of shredded cheddar cheese.  A little pimento will give the dish some added flavor.  I'll prepare the dish by combining all the ingredients in a heat-resistant covered casserole and placing it in the oven for three minutes.  I'll let it sit for a few additional minutes and then it's good to go.

Arlen Specter's defection to the Democratic party places him in the dubious company of Benedict Arnold and Tokoyo Rose.  His move is selfish and self-serving and doesn't have a fig to do with the philosophy or leanings of the Republican party.  It concerns only Sen. Specter's desire to be a senator until the end of time.  

Everyone should be offended and disgusted by his defection, because it undermines democracy and silences an entire group of people who are entitled to have a voice in government.   It gives the Democratic controlled Congress and White House carte blanche to pass whatever legislation they deem fit.  His move silences all opposition and puts all of us at risk regardless of political affiliation, because dissent and discussion are essential to the workings of a democracy, a point that can't be stressed enough.  If this country ends up with a health care system patterned after Canada's we will have Arlen Specter to thank when we have to wait two years to get an MRI.

Let's all join hands and hope that the Dishonorable Arlen Specter Benedict Arnold goes down in defeat in the Pennsylvania primary in 2010...POP...

Monday, April 27, 2009


Today is Monday, April 27, 2009, the beginning of a new and hopefully uplifting week.   I am preparing a Three-Pepper Quiche for breakfast using a green, yellow and red pepper cut into strips. I need an unbaked pie shell, 4 eggs, non dairy creamer, a little water, basil and cayenne pepper,  just to heat things up.  When I think about it, I really don't need the cayenne because I have the news to fire my jets...POP... Wall Street is planning on giving out huge bonuses with my money. Please say it isn't so. 

I need to spoon all the ingredients into the pie shell and bake for about one hour.  I'm glad it will take that long, because I need time  to get control of my anger!

In the world I live in, when a company has to tighten their belt they tell the employees the truth and raises are either severely cut or eliminated and bonuses are non-existent.  In the rarefied  world of Wall Street, people are rewarded lavishly despite poor performance. 

I am a staunch advocate of the free marketplace,  but when an institution takes billions of dollars of taxpayer money, your money and mine,  I believe they should be held accountable for their actions.  The minute they accepted these funds,  they forfeited the right to conduct business as usual until every nickel is paid back.  It has been reported that bonuses are back to to pre-crisis levels. The average compensation at some of these bailed-out firms is $500,000 a year.  Bonuses will be in the millions!  Are you mad yet?  I know I'm fuming!

My Three Pepper Quiche laced with cayenne pepper may just have to wait for lunchtime.  I've already heard more than I can swallow.

Friday, April 24, 2009


Today is Friday, April 24, 2009 and the sun is shining .  I am going to prepare a grilled cheese sandwich for breakfast because it's quick and delicious.  I'm sure I won't be as lucky as the South Carolina woman whose cheese toast looked exactly like ...POP... Jesus Christ!  She keeps the toast, or should I say Christ, in a tupperware container beside her bed.  

My breakfast is almost ready and,  so far, it still looks like a grilled cheese sandwich.  I read somewhere that in 1977,  Christ made an appearance on a flour tortilla.  I wonder where that tortilla is now.   My sandwich is ready, but I will carefully inspect the pan for any signs of a visitation.  I remember a man in Texas who, while preparing breakfast for his mother, saw the face of Jesus scratched into his frying pan.  I just checked my pan, it's scratched, but it doesn't look like anybody I know.

As I munch on my sandwich I am reminded of the woman who saw the Virgin Mary on her grilled cheese and sold it for $28,000.  I also recall a potato chip that looked like Mary selling on E-Bay for a nice chunk of change.  

Well, my breakfast was delicious and uneventful.  I now regret throwing out those blueberries that looked a lot like President Obama and Jay Leno.  

I will, from now on,  be more observant when I prepare my breakfast each morning.  Who knows, maybe I'll get lucky and find Nancy Pelosi in my scrambled eggs!

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Today is Thursday, April 23, 2009 , and I have decided on a simple whole wheat pancake as my choice for breakfast.  I plan on following the directions exactly,  so the dish should be very simple to prepare.   The only extra thing I need is a picture of U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano,  because I want to fashion her likeness out of my pancake.  You are probably scratching your head right about now, wondering what I could possibly have in mind. My plan is to drown her pancake image in syrup and ...POP...her down my throat.  WHY? Because she is insane, uninformed and misguided and really should take under advisement the pursuit of another line of work.

Ms. Napolitano believes that our border with Canada is just as problematic as our border with Mexico.  She supports this moronic statement by reminding everyone that the terrorists  of September 11 entered our country via the Canadian border!   Madam Secretary, I hate to contradict you,  but the terrorists entered our country legally with visas.  

Oh, one other thing,  does the phrase" Mexican drug cartels" resonate with you in any way? Have you heard anything at all about about the rising rate of kidnapping and murder, that have spilled out of Mexico into our cities?
How about that document that was sent out to law enforcement officials throughout the country warning them that our returning soldiers may pose a threat to our national security.    The memo suggested that the returning soldiers might be recruited by right wing groups for possible terrorist attacks.  May I be blunt here?  Are you out of your mind?

You have a lot of people to apologize to and a lot of statements to retract. Once you're finished you might want to get out your resume and update it.  If you continue on the path you've been on you are definitely going to need it!

By the way, the pancake was delicious.  Vengeance is mine!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


...POP...   It's Wednesday, April 22, 2009 and I haven't even thought about breakfast.  When I went to sleep last night, President Obama told the nation that he had no intention of looking any further into interrogation techniques  used in the Bush era.  He did, however, approve the release of highly classified documents which gave our enemies a "heads-up"  of all the things we will no longer subject them to should they be captured. 

Well, what a difference a day makes.  As of this morning the president has changed his mind and is, once again, turning his attention backwards to the Bush administration.  What a complete waste of time, money and energy.  Unbelievably, people who advised the former president about the parameters and legality of interrogation techniques could be charged with conspiracy to commit felonies,  along with those that ordered the military to initiate them.

President Obama and his administration would be better served to pay attention to what they are doing and forget about blaming President Bush for everything that is wrong in the world today.  I along with many other people are sick of the blame game;  we're done!

What I'm wondering about now is how the Obama boys in Washington are going to obtain vital information that will keep us safe at home. Instead of harsh interrogation , are they going to invite the terrorists to brunch in the hope that a little hummus will go a long way to loosening their tongues?  How about a free ride to college if they tell us what building they are planning to blow up next?

If the actions on the part of the current administration aren't  proof of the death of common sense, then I don't know what is.  War is a brutal act.  It should be brutal so nations don't come to it easily.  It is not a game, it is a matter of life and death.  Terrorists took down the Towers on September 11th and there are other people out there willing to do the same thing all over again.  Innocent, hard-working men, women and children lost their lives that day.  I can say unequivocally, that I am not concerned about the animals that took such joy in killing innocent people.  I am perfectly willing to let the C.I.A do its job to keep us safe from further harm.

President Obama and his administration are trying to tie the hands of those we have always trusted to keep us safe.  Whether you liked President Bush or despised him,  after September 11,  our country was safe under his watch.  In any case, he is not the president,  Obama is.  It is time for him to formulate some policy that makes sense and to stop kissing the asses of those who would like to see us fall.

I don't have the time or inclination to make anything fancy for breakfast today.  Just like Janie Rossman, a loyal follower of this blog, I will have a Vita Muffin and a skim latte.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Good morning!  Today is Tuesday, April 21, 2009 and I am in the mood to prepare a breakfast with an international flair.  I've decided on a dish called Acapulco Baked Eggs and once I gather all my ingredients, it should only take about ten minutes to prepare.  I have to mix together 4 large eggs, 2 tablespoons butter, a little milk, salt and pepper.  I'm ready to pour the mixture in a greased baking pan and I will bake it for ten minutes in a 350 degree oven.  Once the eggs set I' m going to sprinkle shredded cheddar cheese, chiles and taco sauce on top.  

Now this is the kind of breakfast that can get my engine going but...POP...I don't need chile peppers when I have the news.  President Obama is starting to bear a very strong resemblance to Brenda Lee singing "I'm Sorry".  Some of you are old enough to remember this song, but for those of you too young to know what I'm referring to, the lyrics go something like this: " I'm sorry, so sorry, please accept my apology."

In three short or very long months, depending upon your perspective, President Obama has managed to apologize to just about everyone, for every action,  decision or practice that preceded his presidency.  He told the Europeans that America deserves  blame for the world crisis because of greedy Wall Street; moved on to Mexico where he blamed the U.S. for providing guns to the cartels, told the Russians he wanted to make amends for the the behavior of George Bush;  shook hands more than once with the psycho Hugo Chavez and accepted a book from him that attacks America and capitalism; and last but not least released highly classified doctrines about our interrogation policies for all the world to see, including those who want to kill us.

The only thing left to do is to join hands with our enemies, form a circle and sing "Kumbaya." The lyrics are very apropos... "Someone's  praying lord,  Kumbaya."

I know I'm praying he doesn't get us all killed!  

Monday, April 20, 2009


I'm having an Apricot Smoothie for breakfast today,  Monday, April 20, 2009.  I need 1 cup of canned apricot halves in light syrup, six ice cubes and  one cup of  vanilla yogurt.  All I have to do is place everything in a blender and pulse until smooth.  

It's the perfect choice for breakfast today because it's smooth and easy to swallow.  I wish I could say the same for the news.  I read in the paper this weekend that the Obama administration is going to release top-secret memos that provide explicit details of U.S. interrogation techniques. Has the White House forgotten the meaning of the phrase "top-secret"?   Information like this is classified secret for a reason, because according to people who know,  letting our enemies know our methods seriously endangers our safety.  What is the rationale behind such a move?  If President Obama is trying to make "nice" to our enemies he is putting our nation at risk.   

I'm not an expert on national security by any means, but I do know how to take advice.  When five former heads of the CIA declare the release of these memos a danger to our security, I believe them.   When they further state that the techniques they employ yield useful information , I feel safer.  

Don't be surprised if the identity of our operatives in other countries are revealed in the name of transparency.  Whatever the ACLU wants, the ACLU gets!

My smoothie is delicious, but a little apricot brandy mixed in could be just what the doctor ordered.  Now that we don't have any secrets to guard, I'm feeling exposed and on edge.   What's next ..a guided tour of the Pentagon for the Guantanamo detainees with refreshments to follow?

They might consider serving my smoothie, but I won't reveal the recipe.  It's classified information! 

Friday, April 17, 2009


Hi everyone..Just wanted to let you know that today's post can be found by clicking on the third breakfastpop listing on the right side of the page.  The publishing tool is acting a bit weird today and I apologize.  Today's blog might be more aptly described as breakfastoops!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Today is Thursday, April  16,  2009.   In tribute to the fantastic turnout for the great American Tea Party,  I am preparing tea and biscuits for breakfast.  I'm making yogurt biscuits and I need to gather together the following ingredients: 2 cups flour; 1 tsp. baking powder; 1/4 cup skim milk; 1 cup non-fat yogurt and 1/4 tsp baking soda.   I need to pre-heat my oven to 450 degrees and sift all the dry ingredients together.  I'm ready to stir in the yogurt and milk.  Now I will turn out the mixture onto a floured surface and knead gently.  I've shaped the dough into little biscuits and I will place them in the oven for 12 minutes.  

While sipping my tea, I am looking at the front page of the N.Y. Times and ...POP...They have done it again!  I can't find one word about the unbelievably successful turn out for the grass roots "tea parties" held all over the country.  Not one word.  The mainstream media dismissed these parties as being a gathering of right-wing lunatics.  A reporter on CNN took things even farther by suggesting that Fox News was behind the entire movement.   I watched her completely unprofessional and fleeting coverage of these events and was appalled by her outrageous accusations and horrible behavior.

ABC's Dan Harris reported on "Good Morning America" that "The White House says the president is unaware of the tea parties and will hold his own event today".  What!!  Impossible!!  

Let's set the record straight once and for all.  The "tea parties" were an enormous victory for democracy.  Ordinary people of all walks of life and political affiliations gathered together to express their outrage over massive government spending,  bloated budgets, failed bail-outs and high taxes.  

This may have been democracy's finest moment.  

My biscuits are ready and my second cup of tea is calling out to me.   Let's breakfast together again tomorrow.


Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I picked up some gorgeous, plump, ruby-red strawberries the other day and I am going to have them for breakfast this morning.  I'll add some  sour cream and a bit of sugar and I'll be good to go.  Today is Friday,  April 17,  2009.

As I put together my very easy to prepare breakfast, my mind wanders to something I read just the other day.

We all know that having sex on a regular basis is very important for the health of a relationship, but as it turns out  sexual activity may be far more important for your health. Studies have shown that sexually active people have a greatly reduced risk of heart disease, provided they don't drop dead while in the act.  Barring such an outcome,  frequent sex can help you lose weight, build strong bones and muscles and alleviate depression.  

The reports further point out that a romp in the hay will greatly reduce the frequency of colds and flu, produce better bladder control, strong , healthy teeth and a very contented prostate. Does it get any better than this? 

I think not, but I do have something I'd like to point out.  It's just a guess, but I have a very strong feeling that Americans are too stressed out to be in the mood for sex as often as necessary to produce the resulting benefits to their health.

So...POP...I have a prescription for a healthier life.  Pickup a bunch of delicious strawberries and a bottle of bubbly.  Not only are strawberries a sexy fruit, but they are loaded with fiber and are believed to have nutrients that prevent heart disease.  Now turn down the lights, get cozy with the one you love and don't call me in the morning.  I'm sleeping in.


Today is Wednesday, April 15, 2009 and I am going to have last night's leftovers for breakfast today. Yesterday,  I prepared porcini mushroom pasta with pesto for dinner.  I put together a small warm goat cheese salad as a side dish and the combination was luscious.  Coating the goat cheese in egg white and panko breadcrumbs and then browning the cheese rounds in olive oil was the perfect finishing touch to the meal.  It should taste even better this morning could be a culinary mistake as a breakfast choice.

Speaking of mistakes,  culinary or otherwise, President Obama , in a speech he made yesterday, referred to the piracy issue as a privacy issue.  I guess his TelePrompter malfunctioned.  It wouldn't be a big deal, but I can't help but wonder what would have happened if President Bush had made this same mistake.  Actually, I don't need to wonder.  It would have been the laugh of the day, heard loud and clear in the mainstream media.

Clearly, the nation's love affair with Obama is thriving.  The honeymoon period that all Presidents go through is chugging along despite many incidents that normally would have sparked outrage had anyone else been president.  One perfect example of the nation's ability to be selective in their scrutiny is Reverend Wright.  To be sure there was some talk about the Obamas' willingness to sit in the Church of this hate monger for over twenty years, but that's all it   President Obama's friendship with terrorist bomber Bill Ayres also caused only a minor ripple during the campaign.  It would have derailed anyone else.  Michelle Obama's comment that she had never been proud of America should have sent alarm bells ringing throughout the country, but once again the spark those words caused burned itself out quickly.

When the President referred to small town Americans as people who cling to their guns and religion, I was pretty sure this would do him in.  Even his connection to racketeer Tom Rezko, rolled right off his back.  Finally,  his awful Special Olympics remark only reinforced the  fact that he should never travel without his friend, the TelePrompter.

So far, his Presidency reminds me of the O.J. Simpson trial.  Instead of a jury in denial, we have mainstream media engaged in the nullification of the obvious.

I could go on and on with other examples, but my breakfast is ready and I'm starving.

Monday, April 13, 2009


Good morning...Today is Tuesday, April 14, 2009 and I am going to prepare a recipe that was created by a twelve year old girl, named Haley.  I've opened a can of crescent rolls and placed them on a greased baking sheet. Now I am ready to spread an entire package of cream cheese on top the the rolls. I've prepared breakfast sausage that I will crumble on top of the cheese and I'll finish the dish off by placing another layer of rolls on top of the sausage.  The baking dish then goes into a 325 degree oven and I will let it brown for about 15 minutes.

I think it's fantastic that a twelve year old would have the interest and desire to create a dish that I can't wait to taste.  While Haley is spending her time productively, far too many other kids are finding idiotic and dangerous ways of eating, or should I say, inhaling candy.  Did I say candy?

When I was a kid I loved candy buttons, candy bars and tootsie roll pops.   I  enjoyed the candy of my youth just as it was presented to me.  It never entered my mind that it would be fun to grind it down and try to inhale it.   Strange as it sounds, that is exactly what is going on today. Kids are buying candy and pulverizing it into a powder.  They are inhaling the powder and blowing  it out their noses.   Doing this doesn't make them high, but it does make them seem incredibly stupid.

The practice is widespread, bizarre and dangerous.  Doctors have warned that inhaling this junk can trigger asthma attacks and infections.   This is insanity and... POP...I'll never look at candy in quite the same way again.

I doubt that someone as sharp as Haley will ever think it cool to inhale candy.  If she's anything like me, the worst thing she'll ever do is stick a green pea up her nose!

Halloween will never be the same...

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Good great morning!   It's  Monday,  April 13, 2009 and I am very, very happy.  Captain Phillips has managed to escape and the Navy has managed to kill the terrorist pirates.  I can't think of a better ending  to an awful situation.   This is truly a feel good moment and I am in the mood for something quick and easy for breakfast.  I think I'll have a Pop Tart!  How apropos...POP.. This time the good guys prevailed.  

Let the pirates take note.  So far you have  have operated without a problem and by terrorist standards quite successfully.    Hopefully, all that is about to change.  This victory cannot be viewed as an isolated moment, but rather as a prelude to solving the pirate problem once and for all.  At this very moment,  there are over 250 sailors being held captive by these thugs and the world must join together to free them and put an end to this madness once and for all.

I will say I was a bit mystified to learn that the pirates had agreed to let the Bainbridge tow the lifeboat at a distance of about one hundred feet,  because the lifeboat had run out of fuel.  The negotiator who made that proposal seem reasonable  should get special mention. Clearly his powers of persuasion are quite remarkable.   Then again nobody ever said that pirates were smart.

Further kudos to the snipers who saved the day with perfect shots that were incredible in their timing and accuracy.    Last but not least, I take my hat off to Captain Richard Phillips and his crew for displaying courage and dignity throughout this terrible ordeal.  

It feels good to be an American.  I think I'll have another Pop Tart to celebrate the moment.


Thursday, April 9, 2009


Today is Friday, April 10, 2009 and I am preparing a fruit salad to welcome the day. I am using fresh, plump strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and some freshly chopped nuts. My eye falls on a article about a proposed new show on the Fox network. The premise is so twisted and demented that berries will have to wait.

The producers of the show have decided that a reality show that depicts the pain and suffering of a person who loses his or her job has all the earmarks of a sure-fire hit. Unbelievably, each episode will feature a company with about 20 employees that needs to cut costs in these troubled times. Normally, it is the boss who decides who must be laid off, but in this sick version of reality, it is the employees who will give the ax to a fellow worker. What is more shocking and unbelievable is that the producers have found companies willing to open their books and allow all employees to see how much everyone is earning. Empowered with this knowledge(which can't be legal) the employees will then fire someone.

Why not just find an arena, line up some workers and feed one of them to the lions. That's the way it used to be and given the current economic crisis a few lions are probably more cost effective.

For some added angst and drama, the producers could force the fired worker to eat some worms along with his pink slip.

One thing's for sure....there are definitely more fruits out there in televison land than are in my bowl.


Good morning, today is Thursday, April 9, 2009 and I am preparing the breakfast of my youth. It's called "an egg with a hole in the middle", a name that made no sense when I was ten and still doesn't make any sense now. All I need is a piece of bread whose middle has been removed. I am going to place the bread in a frying pan with butter and plop an egg in the hole.

Some things whether they be recipes, memories, practices or ideas have a life that never dies. Pirates fall into this category, an occupation that after all these years is still in full swing. Of course these aren't the pirates of the Peter Pan story. These pirates wear military garb and carry around automatic weapons. Their victims are only armed with good intentions and a water hose. Unlike a good story, these pirates are sneaky and ruthless and unbelievaby successful at pirating. To them it's a very lucrative business and they aren't wrong to believe that. They always get away with their crimes and their victims always pay the ransom. Right now, as I begin to eat my breakfast I am watching a hostage situation unfold on the high seas. This time the ship's crew are American and the world is watching a standoff at sea between a U.S. warship that has arrived on the scene and three pathetic pirates who are holding the captain prisioner.

If I may be permitted to write the ending of this story it would once again bring me back to my childhood. In my story the good guys win, the ransom is never paid, the crew and captain are safe and the pirates get to walk the plank. ...POP.. I think I'll eat the breakfast of my chiildhood now and hope for a fairy tale ending to this crisis. Aaargh!!! I've worked up an appetite.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Today is Wednesday, April 8, 2009 and I am preparing a breakfast of hearty plump sausages and tart apples. Besides the sausage and apples, I need one large chopped onion and a little brown sugar and water. I am going to cook the sausage in a frying pan and in a separate pan I will combine the apples, onion, water and sugar. Once my mixture is heated I will add the sausage to the pan and heat for a few additional minutes.

While I am waiting for my breakfast to warm, I am watching the weather channel to kill time. Instead of my local weather report I am treated to a commercial about erectile dysfunction. I mean it's about seven a.m. and I am just not in the mood to hear this.

Actually, I am never in the mood to have my time and appetite wasted by commercials for medications that I am not able to purchase should I feel the need. The long list of possible side effects is a complete turn-off at best and unbelievably frightening at worst.

Possible side effects for drugs prescribed for E.D. include headache, heartburn, diarrhea, flushing, nosebleeds, numbness, tingling, muscle aches, sudden hearing loss, sudden vision loss, chest pain, heart attack and the all time favorite sudden death. It seems that the best you can hope for is an erection that lasts for hours and hours, although you are advised to take yourself to the hospital should that occur. Personally, I think it may be your partner that needs medical attention more than you!

The point is simply this. These ads are a complete waste of money. Leave the prescribing up to the doctors and lower the cost of drugs. In order for these ads to be banned, Congress would have to act. It would be refreshing to see Congress enact legislation that would actually save taxpayers' money and not enrage them.

I'm sorry...POP... there is no way I can possibly eat this sausage now!

Monday, April 6, 2009


Good morning, today is Tuesday, April 7, 2009 and I am preparing a scrambled burrito for breakfast. I am using two whole-wheat tortillas, four eggs, milk, butter, one-half of an avocado, some grated low-fat cheese and two tablespoons of sour cream. While I wait for the oven to heat to 350 degrees, I'm listening to a discussion on television that concerns President Obama's remarks in Europe over the week-end. He stood before a large audience and told the world that America has shown arrogance and has treated the great nations of Europe in a manner that he characterized as dismissive and derisive. He mispronounced derisive so perhaps he should have chosen a different put-down.

To be fair, he did also point out that Europe hasn't always treated us with respect, despite the good we do in the world. This last remark did not, however, mitigate his comdemnation of America one bit and I am both outraged and horrified. I'm quite sure his audience enjoyed hearing him insult the United States, but his comments didn't play well at home.

Why was it so easy for President Obama to say such awful things about a country that elected him to the presidency? Is it possible that the the answer lies in his long-standing relationship with Rev. Wright? President Obama and his family sat in church week after week and heard Rev. Wright spew hatred and loathing for our country. Although the President tried to distance himself from Wright for the sake of the campaign, his remarks this week-end make it quite clear that all those years of exposure to Wright's rantings have had an enormous impact on him.

The President's speech in Europe reveals much about his orientation and relationship to all we hold dear in this country. The reason President Obama could sit in church and not question the message or the messenger is because he is aligned with the Reverend in his disdain for our country. I have always thought it strange that the country was so willing to overlook his relationship with Wright.

It has been suggested that Obama made these awful remarks in an attempt to apologize for the Bush years. If he thought an apology would be enough to persuade our allies to cooperate with us he was sadly mistaken and misguided. The nations of Europe will do exactly as they please, as they have always done, although I'm quite sure they were delighted to hear someone finally put America in its place. The United States of America is the most generous nation in the world and we deserved better from our allies. Perhaps it is fashionable to bite the hand that feeds you. The one thing I am absolutely certain of is that we deserved better from our President.

...POP... I think I will wrap the scrambled eggs in the tortillas and put them away for lunch. Right now I feel like eating something very American, like a slice of warm apple pie.


Today is Monday, April 6, 2009 and I'm really in the mood for a toasted bagel. Instead of cream cheese, I am going to use ricotta cheese, rich red tomatoes and crushed pepper. I am about to take my first delicious bite when a small article in the paper catches my eye. For the moment the story seems more enticing than the bagel so...POP..breakfast will have to wait. I'm too busy laughing.

It seems that the White House published a number that was distributed to journalists who wanted to conference into news briefings. I can only imagine the first reporter who dialed in and heard, "For a good time, call Hillary". Could the staff member who provided this number without checking it for accuracy be the same person that gives the President gift ideas? If so, I say give this man or woman a raise.

I would like to personally thank you for starting off my day with a luscious laugh that makes my bagel taste even better.

Saturday, April 4, 2009


It's 6.00 a.m. Saturday, April 4, 2009 and I am going out for breakfast today. It's the only way I can guarantee myself a little nourishment in the morning. I never blog on week-ends, but I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for your support. Your comments are amazing, funny, insightful and downright brilliant and it is a privilege to have you follow my blog. For those of you who read my blog, but prefer not to comment I thank you too. I would love to see breakfastpop grow in popularity, so please invite all your friends and family to join us for breakfast. Thanks again. You rock!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009


It's Friday, April 3, 2009 and I am preparing a Marmalade Tart for breakfast. I have purchased two ready made pastry crusts to make my life a little easier this morning. I need to spoon the marmalade evenly over one crust and cut a small circle in the center of the second crust. Now I have to place the second crust on top of the marmalade and place the tart in a 350 degree oven for 35 minutes.

I suppose it is the marmalade that makes me think of France's disdain for President Obama's stimulus plans. Apparently, Germany shares the same view as France. They have stated that they are vehemently opposed to printing money with wild abandon like the United States is doing to solve the problems that they are having in their own countries. They have furthered warned the U.S. that the road President Obama is travelling on is the path to socialism.

Is it possible that France and Germany have a firmer grip on the gravity and reality of our situation than we do? Our present policy for stimulating the economy can be summed up in a few words. Print up trillions of dollars and throw the newly minted cash at companies that are in trouble.

The only sure thing to come out of this policy is the absolute knowledge that our children and grandchildren will be saddled with massive debt. A worst case scenario would be a repeat of what happened to Germany when the Weimar Republic printed cash the way we are doing now. The economy destabilized and the country was left weak and vulnerable which led to the rise of Adolf Hitler.

I think I'll save the Marmalade Tart for dessert this evening...POP... I'm just not hungry anymore.


Good morning, it's Thursday, April 2, 2009 and I woke up in the mood for a breakfast that required a little creativity. Today I prepared a very pretty dish of breakfast sausage and ripe cherry tomatoes. I threaded the sausage and tomatoes onto a rosemary branch whose leaves were removed, except for a little bit at the top. I was about to wrap the branch in foil to warm in the oven when I heard that President Obama presented Queen Elizabeth with the very untraditional and inane gift of an I-Pod. I started laughing so hard that...POP... the rosemary branch flew out of my hands and lodged itself in my wall!

Think about it..the President of the United States meets the Queen for the very first time and thinks it appropriate to present Her Majesty with an I-Pod made in China. It is my understanding that he downloaded some show tunes for her. I wouldn't be surprised if there were a few rap tunes as well.

Is there anyone on the President's staff whose job it is to decide what gifts would be appropriate to present when meeting heads of state and other dignitaries? If there is such a person, perhaps he or she should consider another line of work. Of course, the buck stops with the President who is actually the person who presents the gift. Apparently, President Obama thought the I-Pod was a cool idea. Not surprising when you remember that he presented the Prime Minister with DVDs and a bust of Winston Churchill. I guess someone forgot to tell him that the DVDS wouldn't work in England and that it is bad manners to return a gift that England presented to America. Can we all say faux pas!

I'm thinking that I just might leave the rosemary branch in my wall. It might be a good place to hang my I-Pod!