Thursday, April 23, 2009


Today is Thursday, April 23, 2009 , and I have decided on a simple whole wheat pancake as my choice for breakfast.  I plan on following the directions exactly,  so the dish should be very simple to prepare.   The only extra thing I need is a picture of U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano,  because I want to fashion her likeness out of my pancake.  You are probably scratching your head right about now, wondering what I could possibly have in mind. My plan is to drown her pancake image in syrup and ...POP...her down my throat.  WHY? Because she is insane, uninformed and misguided and really should take under advisement the pursuit of another line of work.

Ms. Napolitano believes that our border with Canada is just as problematic as our border with Mexico.  She supports this moronic statement by reminding everyone that the terrorists  of September 11 entered our country via the Canadian border!   Madam Secretary, I hate to contradict you,  but the terrorists entered our country legally with visas.  

Oh, one other thing,  does the phrase" Mexican drug cartels" resonate with you in any way? Have you heard anything at all about about the rising rate of kidnapping and murder, that have spilled out of Mexico into our cities?
How about that document that was sent out to law enforcement officials throughout the country warning them that our returning soldiers may pose a threat to our national security.    The memo suggested that the returning soldiers might be recruited by right wing groups for possible terrorist attacks.  May I be blunt here?  Are you out of your mind?

You have a lot of people to apologize to and a lot of statements to retract. Once you're finished you might want to get out your resume and update it.  If you continue on the path you've been on you are definitely going to need it!

By the way, the pancake was delicious.  Vengeance is mine!


  1. What a unique way to eat pancakes. They may become my breakfast of choice, as I collect photos of inept government officials who need to fina another line of work.
    Nice way, POP, to get me off that Cinch shake breakfast.
    Now, to prepare for tomorrow's pancake!

  2. For those who love bad news, it gets better every day. For those who are sick of bad news, only 3 years and 8 plus months to go, if you can handle that. Dear old Janet, another great appointment choice by Obummer and the Obamunists in Congress. Bush may not have been the best president, but he didn't p--s me off every day like ol' Flappy Ears does. I think we should let all the Canadians in who want to come in, but they have to answer one question. That question is "how do you like your socialized medicine?" After anothe day reading the New York Slimes, I need medicine. Where's my JD?

  3. Kristine,

    Wow, I think your hobby sounds fascinating. You must have quite a collection! Maybe we could franchise the "infamous pancake". What do you think?

  4. Taxlarry,

    We don't have to let the Canadians in, they're already here getting their MRIs. Your JD is probably in your attache!
