Thursday, May 28, 2009

Bailouts, Billions, Bombs and a Pina Colada

Good morning! Today is Thursday, May 29, 2009. I don't feel like preparing breakfast this a.m. so I will be eating last night's dinner instead. Sometimes, it's good to mix things up and step out of the box a bit. Today's "breakfast" will be a pork tenderloin sauteed with mushrooms and finely minced veggies. Roasted garlic and pine nuts sprinkled over the dish gives it a delectable flavor, so I'm good to go and ready to dig in.

I woke up this morning with my head spinning from news overload, or should I say bad news overload. N.Korea is threatening to attack U.S. and S.Korea warships; we have pledged to defend S.Korea to the bitter end; Iran is cooking up nuclear disaster; President Obama is printing money in the basement of the White House; Joe Biden is, well, Joe Biden; the government is now running the private sector; free choice for medical care is going the way of the dinosaur; we will all have to drive the kind of car Washington tells us to drive; we will all be taught to embrace our enemies and sacrifice our lives for the greater good; our children and our children's children will be burdened with unimaginable debt and last, but not least, we will all be required to paint our roofs white!

...POP...Someone, please tell me that this has all been a diabolical joke to get my attention.

All I hear is the deafening roar of silence, so I guess I am not dreaming and that life in the United States is changing in unbelievable ways that are probably going to be very hard to accept. I can only conclude that it is time for me to re-group, refresh, kick back, lighten up, find my inner peace and my sense of humor and drink as many pina coladas as I can over a two week period.

Breakfastpop will be floating in the Caribbean without access to television, newspapers and radio for two luscious sun kissed weeks. I suggest that everyone out there try to do the same or a reasonable facsimile to bring the blush back to our cheeks and the spring back to our step.

When I return and we meet again, I hope our nation won't have changed so much that I don't know where I am. I'm tired of change, really sick of the word and the concept. Right now, I crave the familiar feeling of a mindless summer idyll. That's the kind of change I can live with.

Bye-Bye! See you soon...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A Hot and Spicy Breakfast Choice

Good morning everyone!  Today is Wednesday, May 27, 2009 and in honor of the new Supreme Court nominee, Sonia Sotomayor, I will be preparing a Jalapeno Omelet.  If you wish to join me, you will need 5 eggs, 1 jalapeno pepper, 1/3 cup each diced red and green peppers, 1/3 cup diced onion, 1/3 cup sharp grated cheddar cheese, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/4 teaspoon pepper and 1 or 2 tablespoons butter for frying.  Melt the butter in a skillet and saute peppers and onions. Season with salt and pepper.  Beat the eggs with a little water and slowly add to sauteed mixture. Simmer covered over low heat until eggs are set. Add cheese and wait about 1 minute for the cheese to melt.  Eat up!

President Obama has nominated Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court.  I watched the news conference yesterday and heard her speech.  Her story is a great American success story, just the kind of thing Americans are most proud of.  She came from humble beginnings and achieved so much,  not unlike the President.

However, having said all of the above,  I still long for the day when nominees to any position will be based solely on expertise and not on race or gender. President Obama's choice of a Hispanic woman to sit on the highest court of the land was a political decision more than it was a search for excellence. Perhaps the day will never come when we just pick the best person for the job. Electing President Obama to the Presidency is clear evidence of that premise. The country chose a President who barely had any experience at all, but was poised and ready to put an African American in the White House.  It made the country feel good, which is not the best way to choose a leader, but nevertheless it happened and an important chapter in our history was written.   Judge Sotomayor will no doubt be confirmed.  There aren't enough opposition votes to block her confirmation,  so the Supreme Court will have another woman, and for the first time a Hispanic woman,  on the bench.   I believe all parts of our society should be represented in the Supreme Court as well as in government, and the private sector.  I may be very naive, but I wish we could come to this balance, naturally , without engineering the proper ratio of all kinds of people.

There is one thing about Judge Sotomayor that I find very perplexing. Last year a case was brought before her court that involved employment discrimination. Firefighters in New Haven, Connecticut went before the court  because they were refused promotions despite the fact that they passed the test and were qualified to move ahead. The group was composed of 18 white firefighters, one of them Hispanic.  The promotions were denied because none of the African American firefighters scored high enough to be promoted.  When the case came before Judge Sotomayor it was dismissed with only a single brief paragraph of reasoning.

I have no doubt that this particular case will come up for discussion and questioning during her confirmation hearings.  Despite the President's request that she be confirmed quickly, I hope Congress takes the time to do their homework.  

...POP...What's the hurry?  Where's the fire?

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Morning Breakfast Blues

Good morning!  Today is Tuesday, May 26, 2009 and I 'm not really that hungry today.  Upon awakening,  I discovered that we still have all of the problems we had before with no viable solutions in sight.  I'm talking about bail-outs that aren't working, jobs that are disappearing, mortgages that were once considered sensible and safe going into foreclosure, home prices that are still tanking, 401ks that are shrinking and a deficit that is mind boggling and growing as we speak. I need a cup of tea, a piece of toast,  and some Tums.  That's all I can handle this morning.

If all of the above isn't enough to kill your appetite,  how about the prospect of two lunatics rattling their nuclear swords at the world and in particular at the U.S.  Perhaps the only intelligent thing V.P. Biden has said is that Obama would be tested very shortly after coming into office.  Iran and N.Korea seem to fill the bill in that area.

Iran has sent six warships into international waters.  This outrageous and unprecedented move comes on the heels of missile tests that were conducted last week.  Ahmadinejad is a loose cannon who is a few fries short of a happy meal.  The prospect of such a man controlling nuclear bombs is incredibly frightening. 

North Korea is playing with nuclear weapons as well.  There have been reports that the nuclear bomb that North Korea detonated on Monday was comparable to those that obliterated Hiroshima.  

So we wake up this morning to the stark realization that in addition to our mounting problems at home, we have at least two, if not more,  insane leaders playing with powerful nuclear material that could bring death and destruction to thousands , if not millions, of people with just the flick of a wrist. 

This is the kind of morning that makes me just want to pull the covers over my head and go back to sleep.  President Obama has a full plate this morning.  I wonder if he has much of an appetite for what he has to face.  The one thing I am totally certain of is that the President is going to have to get tough and forget about his "let's reach out and touch" our enemies approach.

It isn't working Mr. President, they are not listening and despite all the hugs and kisses you exchanged with our enemies they still hate us...POP...

Friday, May 22, 2009

Breakfast With The King

Good morning!  Today is Friday, May 22, 2009 and I have a fairy tale I'd like to share. Breakfast today will be quite simple, cornflakes and a banana.  Take some cornflakes, put them in a bowl, add milk, slice up a banana and chew.  Now for the story.

Once upon a time there was a kingdom called Dem.  It was ruled by King Teleprompter and his word was law.  There were many bad and dangerous people in the kingdom who often gathered together in secret to plot the overthrow of the government.  Upon their capture they were sent to a prison far, far away called Gitmo.   The prison was built by the former King of Dem whose name was George.  It seemed like a good idea back then, because these bad people were far away from the kingdom  and could only talk amongst themselves.

One day King Teleprompter declared that he was going to close Gitmo, because he didn't think the prison  was good for public relations.  An uproar arose across the land.  Where were these bad people going to go? The answer was to a neighborhood near you.  Fear and apprehension spread across the land. Women were wringing their hands, children were crying and men were arming themselves with extra sharp swords.

King Dem was unmoved by all the sadness in the kingdom and he moved forward with his plans to close Gitmo. A wise man in the kingdom consulted with a soothsayer, Madame Itoldyouso, to find out what would happen when the King's plan was brought to fruition. 

The news was very, very disheartening.  Madame Itoldyouso  predicted that a time would come when the terrorist population would rise dramatically.  The bad people who were returned to the kingdom would recruit thousands of people to march beside them and terrorize the people.
The wise man pleaded with King Dem to change his mind, but the King wouldn't budge.  

And so...POP...Madame Itoldyouso's predictions came true and the bad people ruled the land and the people were sad.

The End.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Charge That Brie!

Good great morning everyone!  Today is Thursday, May 21, 2009 and I am preparing an Apple and Brie Omelette for breakfast.  If you wish to follow along with the recipe you will need 2 large golden apples, 4 ounces of Brie cheese, 8 eggs, 2 green onions, 2 tablespoons butter, 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg, 1/4 teaspoon salt and 1 dash of vanilla extract and three other people who are hungry.   Place the apple slices in a microwave dish and top with 1/2 half of the butter. Microwave for 3 minutes.  Now, in a medium bowl,  beat the eggs with the vanilla and salt.

Melt butter in a skillet and pour half of the egg mixture into the skillet.  Cover and cook until set. Place the egg on a cookie sheet and place the apple wedges on top.  Sprinkle with onion and place cheese on top.   Place in preheated oven.  Now we are ready to remove the bottom of the omelette and slide it on to a serving  platter.  Cook the remaining mixture in the skillet.  Place egg layer from the skillet on top of the bottom of the omelette from the oven.  Garnish with nutmeg and serve.

Wow, a lot to do for breakfast, but probably well worth it.

The ingredients may cost quite a bit.  Personally, I put the stuff on my Amex card because the Brie can be very expensive.  

But wait, the morning newspaper catches my eye and I am incredulous. Congress has re-vamped the credit card industry,  in about three minutes,  and the end result will be that those that manage their credit well will subsidize those that have problems.  I was horrified to learn that those people who pay off their credit cards are known as "deadbeats" in the industry. 

Personally, I fall into that category of people.  I pay my balance at the end of the month and that's it. Under the new rules, it's possible that some of the programs like mileage awards may go the way of the dinosaur.  I already pay 150 dollars a year to use my Amex, which strictly speaking is not a credit card, but rather a charge card.  My balance must be paid off at the end of the month and that is just fine with me.  However, if my fees rise dramatically on my Amex or my more traditional credit card because I don't carry a balance , then I  have a new course of action that won't need Congressional approval. I will take my cards, deadbeat that I am, and while eating my breakfast will feed the cards into the shredder.  

I don't dispute the fact that credit card companies are in the business of making money.  It's a very lucrative industry that employs thousands of people. I also have no problem tweaking some of their practices to make them treat customers more fairly.  That said, I do take issue with the notion that because I live my life responsibly,  I am considered a "deadbeat".

Annoy me enough, and cash will be king.

By the way, we should all rest comfortably knowing that attached to the bill that the President will sign into law is a completely unrelated measure by Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., that would allow people to bring loaded guns into national parks and wildlife refuges.  

...POP... Not only will I not pay higher fees for good behavior, but now I have to cancel my trip to Yosemite!  

He's a Smoothie

Good Morning!  Today is Wednesday, May 20, 2009, isn't it? Sometimes it's hard to be sure, because lately each morning brings so many changes to our nation that I feel like I fell asleep like Rip Van Winkle and awoke to a whole new world order.  

I'm preparing a Banana Coffee Smoothie today.  Unless you were clairvoyant and froze two bananas last night, you won't be able to follow along with me.  I am  going to combine 2 frozen bananas, 1 1/2 cups low fat milk, 8 oz. low fat coffee yogurt, 1/4 tsp cinnamon and a dash of nutmeg in a blender. I'll blend till smooth (hence the name smoothie) and voila, I'm done.

It was my intention to say something positive about President Obama and his administration today because, truthfully, I would like to see him succeed as president.  The problem is that his vision of success clashes completely with my view of the kind of nation I want to live in. However, having said that, here goes.  I am very supportive of the President's stance on stem cell research and also on a woman's right to choose. 

For now, that is the best I can come up with,  because everything else he is trying to do is very uninspiring at best and very frightening at worst.   Clearly, the President's quest for power and control overshadows every decision and every shift in policy.  He says one thing and does another. He says he doesn't want to run the car companies, but that is exactly what he is doing. He says he does not want to be in the banking business, but he is, isn't he?  He says he doesn't want to nationalize health care, but it's coming isn't it?

Do you see what I mean?  I am trying so hard to be positive.  I am really trying not to be one-sided.  I am giving my all to present a fair picture of events, but I am having a very hard time.

I'm glad I chose to have a Smoothie for breakfast today, because it goes down so easily.  I wish I could say the same for the President's agenda.  I find that pretty hard to swallow.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Breakfast On The Fly

Good morning!  Today is Tuesday, May 19, 2009 and I don't have a lot of time to prepare breakfast.  I'll toast a cranberry muffin and make myself a cup of tea.  I wonder what President Obama eats for breakfast.   I mean his routine is very arduous, up at the crack of dawn, change healthcare for the nation, overhaul the credit card industry in a week, decide what kind of cars Americans will be allowed to drive in a few years, threaten a few banks, tell the Prime Minister of Israel how to run his country, and dictate levels of compensation for big companies.

Whew!  I'm exhausted just thinking about all that he does in a day.  I'm also terrified of the impact all of this will have on my life and my family's life now, and for generations to come.

All of the President's plans come with a timetable that is unrealistic at best and dangerous at worst.  I use the word "dangerous" because,  for example,  if Congress is pressured to change the face of healthcare before they go into recess you can bet the ranch on the fact that a bill will be passed that no one has read and the American people will have to live with the awful consequences.

What's the hurry?  Where's the fire?  It's my opinion that the White House is operating on the magician's trick of sleight of hand.  If you do something very fast and divert the audience's attention from the real issue, then the trick succeeds and nobody is the wiser. I don't like being fooled.  I resent being given the bum's rush when it comes to issues that will have a significant impact on my life.  I do not appreciate being told what kind of healthcare I must have, what kind of car I will be allowed to drive or how much money I can expect to earn.

I live in America, not the former Soviet Union.  I appreciate and value my freedoms and I want to keep them.   We all better pay attention, because before we know it, all that we have come to love and expect in our lives will be changed forever.  That change will not be for the better.

I think it may be time for another round of tea parties.  I'll bring the muffins.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Breakfast and the Sweet Smell of Success

Good morning!  Today is Monday, May 18, 2009 and I am famished.  I am preparing Tofu Breakfast Burritos this morning.  If you want to follow along,  you will need 2 flour tortillas, 1/4 cup salsa, 2 eggs, 1/4 cup pound tofu, 1/4 cup feta cheese, 1/4 cup mozzarella , 1/2 teaspoon dried basil, 1/4 teaspoon oregano and salt and pepper to taste. Beat the eggs and tofu together and saute mixture in a nonstick pan. Add oregano, basil, salt and pepper.  Now heat up the tortillas and place egg and tofu mixture inside and top with feta.  Roll up the tortillas and top with mozzarella and microwave until the cheese melts. 

What I like about this recipe is all the different steps and layers of ingredients.  The omelette is a metaphor for life, real life.  There is no magic formula for success, no one right path that everyone should take in their journey for a successful and satisfying existence.  The decision belongs to us and us alone.

In his commencement speech  at Arizona State University, President Obama urged the graduates to resist the temptations of materialism and status.  Instead,  he suggested that they choose a life of service and commitment to help rebuild America. 

Apparently, the First Lady didn't get the message when she purchased that pair of five-hundred dollar sneakers.  How about that really expensive home they own in Chicago.  The President went on to urge the graduates to steer clear of a life of mere financial gain. Personally, his message irked me and if I were a new graduate I would find his advice disingenuous.  His wife was earning over 300,000 dollars a year, before his election, not working in a soup kitchen full-time.   Being a first term Senator wasn't enough for Obama,  it was the presidency that fueled his fire.

With all due respect Mr. President,  if your message resonates with these graduates you won't have a tax base for your grand agenda.   Instead,  you will  have fostered a nation of selfless mediocrity.

You should have told these graduates to follow their own personal dream, whether it be to Wall Street or Main Street.  There is nothing shameful or wrong with wanting to succeed. There is no need ever to apologize for attaining wealth and a comfortable lifestyle.  Turning on the rich smacks of socialism, envy and ultimately of failure.  

Friday, May 15, 2009


Today is Friday, May 15, 2009 and I am having Cheerios for breakfast.  I know I ate Cheerios yesterday, but I am  living the movie "Groundhog Day", so I feel the need to repeat yesterday's breakfast.

...POP... I can't believe that we, meaning the media, the nation, the Congress are still carrying on about water boarding.  Personally, I am sick and tired of the entire issue and if this insane probing of who knew what when doesn't stop, I will personally water board Nancy Pelosi!

First of all, it is my understanding that we subject our own troops to water boarding as part of their training.  Torture takes on a whole other meaning for me.  Something like chopping off a body part sounds like torture.  Confinement with insects such as a caterpillar would be "torture" for me, but not for an terrorist. Sleep deprivation isn't pleasant, just ask any new mother, but torture for a terrorist, I don't think so.

We need to move forward as a nation and re-gain our dignity and status as a super power. Lately, all we have been doing, thanks to the new administration, is saying"mea culpa" to the world and making collective jack-asses out of our country.

I have a suggestion for a new "enhanced interrogation technique".   Lock the suspect in a room with Nancy Pelosi for 5 minutes and,  in return for getting out of that room, the bad guy will tell all.

It's worth a try.  I have to get back to my Cheerios now.  Enjoy the week-end!

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Good morning, today is Thursday, May 14, 2009 and I have a fairy tale for you.

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Frederica Danielle Adams.  Her family and friends nicknamed her FDA and she loved the sound of it.  One day FDA wandered away from home without permission and stumbled upon a little cabin in the woods.  The cabin door was open, so FDA peeked in and saw that nobody was home.  She made herself comfortable and began going through all the cabinets. It wasn't the right way to behave but for FDA it was quite typical behavior.

In the first cabinet, FDA found all sorts of prescription drugs. Some of these pills had terrible side effects printed on the label.  FDA found it very interesting reading and she set the pills aside and closed the cabinet.

In the second cabinet, FDA found all sorts of herbal concoctions that promised to do many wonderful things.  One jar promised instant weight loss, another instant nirvana.  Once again, FDA found this all very, very interesting and she set the herbs aside and closed the cabinet door.

Now FDA opened the third and last cabinet and was shocked and dismayed.  The cabinet was filled with box after box of Cheerios.  FDA's heart began to race when she read the front of the box. It seems that General MIlls, claims that eating Cheerios for breakfast can help lower cholesterol by 10 percent.

...POP...Blasphemy, horror of horrors, call the police, tell the world how criminal such a claim is!

This time FDA did not put the Cheerios back in the cabinet.  Instead she put all the boxes of cereal in her basket and took them home to Washington, D.C.

And so boys and girls, that is why you will have to ask mommy to go to the pharmacy to buy your Cheerios.  Remind mommy to bring her license and passport or she won't be able to bring home the cereal.

If you haven't already guessed, I am having Honey Nut Cheerios for breakfast today. Am I breaking the law?

The End....

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Good morning! Today is Wednesday, May 13, and because it is five o'clock somewhere in the world,  I am having Amaretto French Toast for breakfast.  First I need to prepare some amaretto butter to use as a topping.  I will combine 1/2 cup butter with 2 tablespoons of amaretto and set it aside.  Next I will soak 12 slices of bread( I've invited a few friends for breakfast) in a mixture of 4 eggs, 1/2 cup milk and most importantly 6 tablespoons of amaretto.  I've pre-heated a large skillet with melted butter and I will cook the bread until the slices are golden brown.  Some amaretto butter  and syrup on top will be a perfect antidote to VicePresident Joe Biden's views on higher education. If he aggravates me, all I need to do is eat a piece of toast and I know I'll calm down.

V.P. Biden  recently told a group of very young students that he and President Obama want them all to go to college and that he and the President were going to make that possible.

...POP... First of all, it isn't nice to lie to children and promise them things that probably won't come true.  Where is the money going to come from to pay for all this?  Could the budget be any more bloated and out of control than it is? The answer is no, it couldn't.  

Second of all, is it really necessary or practical for everyone to attend college.  Once again, the answer is no.  College is not for everyone.   There are many important and valuable jobs that need to be filled that do not require a college education.   Not everyone is college material.  I know this is probably politically incorrect of me, but it is the truth.

When I was in school, students were offered a choice of different programs to choose from. Taking an academic program put them on the road to higher education.  Taking a commercial course prepared students for work immediately upon graduation from high school.  The program worked because it was realistic and practical.

In 1968 the City College of New York instituted a program known as open enrollment.  Prior to that year, each city college had strict requirements for admission that were always adhered to without exception.  In order to gain admittance to Brooklyn College, for example, a student had to have a certain average.  If your average was one point below the requirement, the college rejected you and you had to live with it.  By 1968, with the advent of open enrollment, everyone was encouraged to attend college and the schools introduced remedial courses for students who did not meet the school's already lowered standards.  

The program was a complete failure.  The number of remedial courses continued to grow as did the number of students attending them.  If that program was still in existence today, I believe the same students would still be there, trying to graduate!

If we are to have a society that utilizes everyone's unique talents and recognizes that there are differences in people and that we are all not the same,  the end result will be a society that functions better on a more realistic and practical level.  

I really want another piece of toast...Bartender!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Today is Tuesday, May 12, 2009,  and I am feeling a bit nostalgic.  I am preparing a Blueberry Breakfast Shake this morning using a simple recipe handed down to me by my grandmother.  I need 1 1/2 cups of frozen blueberries, 1/2  cup of apple juice,  1/2 cup vanilla yogurt, 1/4 cup skim milk and a little cinnamon.  All I have to do is combine everything in my blender and I'm good to go!

My grandmother followed one simple rule in conducting her life and it was simply this: Everything in moderation,  nothing to excess.  It worked for her and no doubt it would work for everyone, everywhere,  if only the principle could be applied intelligently.

Clearly President Obama's grandmother didn't find this particular truism important enough to pass along to her grandson.  If she had, we wouldn't be faced with the biggest deficit in history. If grandma had told Barack to "think before you speak", then we wouldn't have had to endure the painful spectacle of watching an American President apologize for America. 

My Grandma also loved the expression, "don't throw out the baby with the bath water".   In this case, the baby is just about everything we have built in this country, both good and bad, and like it or not,  this administration is intent on throwing it all way.  

I guess I 'm on a roll this morning with sayings and proverbs, so how about,  "love is blind."  In this case, the love is coming from the press which, with few exceptions , has completely forgotten to apply critical and objective thinking to their news coverage.  We, the public, are not really getting the hard facts, but rather the watered down, dreamy version of  current events.  

"To the victor, belong the spoils" seems very apropos right now.  We no longer have a two party system in this country, because the democrats have swept the nation and effectively shut out millions of people and their representatives from participating in making decisions so crucial to our way of life.

I suppose I could go on and on, but ...POP... I only have one more saying that is directed to the current administration and all those who put them in office, "Be careful what you wish for."

Monday, May 11, 2009


Good morning!  It's Monday, May 11, 2009,  and I ate so much yesterday I have no right to eat breakfast.  I am opening a container of fruity yogurt and I'll make myself a cup of tea and that will be my meal.  Sometimes you just have to know when enough is enough.

...POP...Enough is enough is exactly the way I feel about the Miss California debacle.  Later this afternoon,  Miss California USA co-directors Shannon Moakler and Keith Lewis will hold a news conference to discuss the controversy surrounding Carrie Prejan.  The state pageant has been investigating whether the 21-year old violated her contract by making public appearances with groups opposed to same-sex marriage and by failing to inform the pageant that she had posed provocatively as a teenager.  If their view is based upon these criteria then I would be inclined to say that she did,  indeed,  violate her contract.  The fact that she answered Hilton's question honestly with respect to her views on gay marriage is not at the core of the issue.  

I am sure we will all be waiting with baited breath to hear what today's news conference brings. Tomorrow should be even more interesting because Donald Trump will be holding a conference to settle the issue once and for all.  I suppose just one combined appearance would be sufficient, but not if you are Donald Trump and have an insatiable need for publicity.

The one thing to definitely emerge from this controversy, for me, is this:  Pageants are out-dated, embarrassing, irrelevant and  patronizing.  It is unbelievable that we still hold contests that require young women to parade around in bathing suits and be judged on their appearance.  

In a perfect world, young girls would refuse to be exploited  like show ponies by parents who use them to inflate their own damaged egos.  Donald Trump would have to get out of the pageant business for lack of interest on everyone's part, and young girls could seek out more appropriate role models.

I can dream, can't I?

Friday, May 8, 2009


Today is Friday, May 8, 2009 and finally the sun is shining.  My breakfast choice this morning is one that I used to have all the time in my youth, Cinnamon Butter Toast.  It's very easy to prepare.  All I need are 2 slices of bread, butter, cinnamon and sugar.  I am going to brown the bread in butter in a skillet and then I will sprinkle a combination of  sugar and cinnamon on both sides and brown the bread a bit more.

Mmmm!  Delicious and just the way I remember it tasting as a kid.  Speaking of kids, boys and girls,  I have a story to tell you this morning.  Once there was a woodcarver who carved a little girl out of wood.  Her name was Nancy Pelosi and all she really wanted was to be a real little girl and grow up to be Speaker of the House.   As soon as the woodcarver finished carving her nose, Nancy came alive and went off to Washington to run the world.  

Faster than a bunny rabbit, Nancy rose to power and with each statement she made to the press a strange thing began to happen.   Nancy's nose shot out like a pogo stick, growing faster than the speed of light.

In a panic, Nancy consulted the Blue Fairy who told her that her nose would grow every time she told a lie.  Well, children, this very morning Nancy's nose is longer than 1,000 pogo sticks because she was caught in a very big lie.

Nancy told the world that she had no idea that "enhanced interrogation techniques" were being used to extract information from terrorists.  She really was quite emphatic about it.  But poor Nancy wasn't telling the truth.  The CIA released a memo that clearly showed that Nancy knew all about the use of these techniques as far back as 2002.

So now, boys and girls, Nancy's nose is growing non-stop.  She had people on her staff consult the Blue Fairy and they learned that there was only one way Nancy could be a real Speaker of the House and get her nose to stop growing .  The Blue Fairy said that Nancy had to learn to be brave, honest and generous.

...POP...Too late for that!   Nancy is destined to remain a puppet of the Democrats until the end of time.  

The End.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


I just turned my breakfast into stone by placing  it in the microwave for 18 minutes instead 18 seconds.  Good morning, today is Thursday, May 7, 2009 and I am going to eat my pulverized cranberry muffin anyway!  Maybe a cup of tea will help it go down.

Recently, I registered for Facebook and Twitter because my curiosity got the better of me.  I'm still on both, although I must admit I haven't a clue as to what Twitter is all about.  At first it is fun trying to locate old friends that you haven't spoken to in years.  And then...POP...the glow begins to fade as you come to the realization that once you've caught up,  there really isn't much left to say.  You also run the risk of getting your feelings hurt when you reach out and touch and they don't touch back!

There is really more to this movement than a desire to find old friends and keep up with current ones.  I believe that it is symptomatic of a society that is moving away from the personal one- on- one relationship  and heading towards a world where our relationships are nothing more than a collection of sound bites.

Just take a look at Twitter.  Normal everyday people comment on their status with remarks like this...I'm yawning or I'm going to eat clams for lunch!  First of all, who cares?  Second of all are you kidding?  

Check out Facebook and you will find the same phenomenon and you will also find me making the same inane remarks.  My own daughter is beginning to ask me to join her for lunch on Facebook and that is really scary.

 It is possible that we are entering into an era of communication that doesn't require the human touch, the human voice or the human presence. It is a way of having relationships without really relating at all.  With the advent of these types of sites, you can have hundreds of friends who you will never have to invite for dinner or see in person!  Initially, it seems like fun, but if you look a little deeper it really is indicative of a society that is talking all the time about nothing at all.

I hope that we make every effort to hold onto the world that existed before the computer age. Remember the days when a friend made you a cup of chicken soup when you were ill.  Now it is possible to send a virtual bowl of  imaginary soup to a sick friend without buying one ingredient or leaving the house.  

When was the last time you received a handwritten letter from a friend? My guess is that it has probably been quite some time.   The antidote for the current trend is this:  Call a friend, go out to lunch, bring someone flowers to cheer them up and above all,  don't post any of this on the internet!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Good morning, it's Wednesday, May 6, 2009 and the White House is really getting on my nerves....POP... I am having a calming breakfast of Apple Oatmeal which I can prepare in the microwave, because I can't  be trusted around a hot stove today.  I am going to combine 1  1/3 cups quick cooking oats with 2  2/3 cups water in a microwave-safe bowl.  To this mixture I need to add 1  chopped apple, some walnuts, raisons,  sugar and a bit of cinnamon.  It's only going to take about 1 1/2 minutes to cook, which is fine with me because I have a lot on my mind.

The Obama administration is starting to bear a very strong and frightening resemblance to the supposedly defunct KGB.  It has been reported that the administration applied hard-ball threats and tactics to force Chrysler's creditors to tow the line and not risk Obama's wrath.  

What kind of country are we becoming?  The administration behaves in an outrageous fashion and then categorically denies it. These people are reckless in their arrogance and obvious belief that it is their way or the highway.  Speaking strictly for myself, I find this all incredibly frightening.  It seems apparent to me that the creditors involved in these negotiations would rather comply with the threats than risk all kinds of trouble.

I understand their position, but at the same time, I wish they were more willing to step up to the plate and expose President Obama and his people to the nation.  Strong armed tactics are always repugnant and sometimes illegal, but when it's the administration that 's doing it,  we all have to wonder and fear what's next.

It is clear to me that the President and Congress no longer feel any obligation to the American people.  They came into power with an agenda so sweeping in scope, that it is obvious they will stop at nothing to get their personal view of America into practice.

The fact that "their" view is not my view or yours appears to have very little relevance in their world.  The President's refusal to acknowledge the "tea parties" or give credence to the message they sent is proof positive that Washington is hell bent on turning my country and yours into a shadow of its former self.

My oatmeal is sweet and soothing, but I may need something stronger to calm me down.  It must be 5 o'clock somewhere, right? 

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Today is Tuesday, May 5, 2009, but it feels more like February 5th.  It's cold, it's rainy and I need  something to warm me up this morning.   I'm going to have a delicious corn muffin with butter and jelly and a hot cup of tea.  

...POP...I just saw a video clip of Senator Dodd suggesting that water boarding terrorists is the evil equivalent of the extermination of 6 million Jews by the Nazis.  I nearly choked on my muffin and now I need some kind of medication to calm me down.  His twisted mind has come to the conclusion that President Bush should be put on trial for authorizing these techniques, because, after all, we prosecuted the Nazis so going after the former President is the only just course to follow.

It's a really good thing that this most certainly will be Dodd's last term in the Senate, because having to put up with his garbage is really too painful to contemplate.  

Excuse me, Senator Dodd, but aren't you the one who helped our country get into the worst financial mess since the Great Depression? How about we prosecute you for poor judgement in your shady dealings with AIG?  It sounds like a plan to me.

If bringing up water boarding was your attempt to divert the public's attention away from you and onto the former President, I don't think you succeeded.   No wonder you are so interested in digging up the past, your future seems a little bleak to me.  Oh, one other thing, these poor people who you are so worried about are terrorists.  Their sole mission in life is to hunt us down and kill us.  Does that bother you at all?  

If you are so concerned about their well-being why not go down to Guantanamo and bring them a picnic basket full of goodies from your home state.  Even better, why not invite a few of them to come live with you when the President closes down the prison.  

To quote another prominent resident of your state,  "It's a good thing."


Monday, May 4, 2009


Good morning on this very, very rainy day.  Today is Monday,  May 4, 2009 and I am preparing a dish called Apple Toast for breakfast.  I have to pre-heat my oven to 375 degrees and butter a baking dish,  in which I will place 4 slices of bread.  I have peeled, cored  and sliced 3 apples and I  melted butter in a dish to which I have added 1/2 cup of sugar.   I need to dip the sliced apple in the melted butter and place the slices on top of the bread.  Once I accomplish this,  all I have to do is place the pan in the oven and wait about 10 minutes for the apples to brown and become tender.  

The dish is fruity which is totally in sync with my thought process today.  I woke up this morning wondering if I can believe what so called experts tell me is true..  For instance, after all these years I still don't know if tuna is safe to eat.  One day it's laced with mercury that will turn me into  a babbling lunatic and the next day it's perfectly fine.  The same is true of salmon. Is farm raised salmon poison?  Should I only eat wild salmon and how do I know which is which?  How about vitamins..are they a waste of time as has been reported recently? Should I toss them in the trash?   I take calcium every single day despite a study that showed no broad benefit from taking the pills.  Why do I bother?  Sally Fields took calcium and still developed osteoporosis, so why don't I throw the pills in the garbage disposal?  I stopped taking hormones because of a study that told women to get off the pills or risk heart attack.  I woke up the other day to discover that scientists are re-thinking the benefits of hormones!  Does anybody know anything for sure?   Are the glaciers really melting and do I have to keep worrying about the polar bears?  

I really can't take it anymore.  ...POP...the one thing I am sure about is that my breakfast is delicious and I don't need an expert to confirm this for me.  It's in my mouth and my taste buds are dancing.   I had better eat it quickly, though,  before I find out that apples emit radiation! 

Friday, May 1, 2009


Today is Friday,  May 1, 2009 and I am preparing a French Toast Casserole for breakfast.  I have a loaf of sour dough bread and I am going to remove the crust.  I am going to beat together 3 eggs, 1/2 cup of milk and 1/2 teaspoon of  cinnamon.  After I cut the loaf of bread in half,  I'll place it in my baking dish.  I need to  pat on 1/2 package of cream cheese, sprinkle some sugar and cut up an apple and layer it in top.  I'm ready to pour my egg mixture on top and now I have to wait while the casserole bakes in a 375 degree oven for 35 minutes.  

I think it will be worth the wait, so in the meantime I'll flip through the paper to catch up. It appears that once again Vice President Biden's mouth has left his brain behind.  In the blink of an eye, he has managed to enrage the travel industry, alarm anyone thinking of taking a vacation to any destination in the world, and instill , in all of us,  a fear of elevators, subways, airplanes, classrooms, office buildings and just about any place on the planet that could be considered a confined space.  

Good job, Mr. Vice President, you've just about suggested that the entire world  ground to a halt lest the Swine Flu kill us all.   

And then there is the one man comedy act of Press Secretary Gibbs.   How this guy stands at the podium and tells the world that what they heard was not really what was meant is beyond me.  We all heard Biden say that he would tell his family to cancel travel plans and stay out of confined places.  But no..Secretary Gibbs insists that what Biden actually said was that people should take precautions if they are around others who appear to be sick. 

...POP... Huh?  What?  Could you repeat that?  Am I imagining things?  Are you sure?  How can that be?  

Vice President Biden really needs to get that foot of his looked at and find out if there is an explanation of why it keeps flying into his mouth!