Monday, May 4, 2009


Good morning on this very, very rainy day.  Today is Monday,  May 4, 2009 and I am preparing a dish called Apple Toast for breakfast.  I have to pre-heat my oven to 375 degrees and butter a baking dish,  in which I will place 4 slices of bread.  I have peeled, cored  and sliced 3 apples and I  melted butter in a dish to which I have added 1/2 cup of sugar.   I need to dip the sliced apple in the melted butter and place the slices on top of the bread.  Once I accomplish this,  all I have to do is place the pan in the oven and wait about 10 minutes for the apples to brown and become tender.  

The dish is fruity which is totally in sync with my thought process today.  I woke up this morning wondering if I can believe what so called experts tell me is true..  For instance, after all these years I still don't know if tuna is safe to eat.  One day it's laced with mercury that will turn me into  a babbling lunatic and the next day it's perfectly fine.  The same is true of salmon. Is farm raised salmon poison?  Should I only eat wild salmon and how do I know which is which?  How about vitamins..are they a waste of time as has been reported recently? Should I toss them in the trash?   I take calcium every single day despite a study that showed no broad benefit from taking the pills.  Why do I bother?  Sally Fields took calcium and still developed osteoporosis, so why don't I throw the pills in the garbage disposal?  I stopped taking hormones because of a study that told women to get off the pills or risk heart attack.  I woke up the other day to discover that scientists are re-thinking the benefits of hormones!  Does anybody know anything for sure?   Are the glaciers really melting and do I have to keep worrying about the polar bears?  

I really can't take it anymore.  ...POP...the one thing I am sure about is that my breakfast is delicious and I don't need an expert to confirm this for me.  It's in my mouth and my taste buds are dancing.   I had better eat it quickly, though,  before I find out that apples emit radiation! 


  1. Is it a recession? Depression? Reception? Is it Mafia or tilapia? Is the news good for you or is it bad for you? You say tomato, I say tomahto. What is going on? As long as there is JD, there is hope. Is it a bummer or Obumma? I give up.

  2. POP - Just go with your very good instincts. These issues have a ying/yang affect, just like everything else.
    When all else fails, go with JD like taxlarry - or maybe some Blackstone Red!

  3. taxlarry,

    your comment is lyrical and a good interpretation of my blog. If they change all the good news about red wine, I'll stick my fingers in my ears and drink up!

  4. Kristine,

    I'll go with the Blackstone Red!

  5. My Mother and I were just having this conversation yesterday. About osteoporosis, what to take. What does/does not work. Who knows??? And it is a bit scary when you think about it.
    Dr. Hoffman, NY (google him, he hates all these drugs the Dr.'s are giving us)

  6. Dear Jennifer,

    Thanks for the info. I will Google him. Now I take citracal which is over the counter and supposedly has an ingredient that builds bone density. I love seeing your name on my blog!
