Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A Fair and Balanced Breakfast

Good morning! Today is Wednesday, June 17, 2009 and I am preparing a balanced meal this morning because we all know that a breakfast that hits all the food groups is the most healthy. I'm feeling a bit lazy today, so I am toasting a cranberry vita muffin (emphasis on the vita) and I will brew a cup of tea which, as we all know, is loaded with anti-oxidants.

Apparently, ABC News hasn't been eating a balanced breakfast lately, because the decision to broadcast a program from the White House, pushing government run healthcare is biased, outrageous and unhealthy for the nation.  

Let's face it, the media, with the exception of Fox News,  is in bed with the President.  ABC News should come to terms with the fact that they are no longer considered a news station by independent rational thinkers.  Instead, the station is an extension of the Obama administration's long arm of government.  They have joined together with the White House to convince the American people that government run healthcare is the answer to our nation's problems. The network has planned a prime time special, "Prescription for America" that will effectively silence all opposing viewpoints.  

Is this the same President who promised an open bipartisan approach to government?  We are not a nation of one voice or viewpoint.  We are a diverse nation of citizens with the right to speak our minds and participate in decisions that will affect all of our lives for years to come. Our freedoms are being eroded and diminished and we must not sit back and allow this to happen.

...POP...After I finish my muffin, I am going to write a letter of protest to my elected officials to remind them that I, along with many other people, are very unhappy with the direction our nation is taking.  Care to join me? It's good for your health and the health of our country.


  1. ABC, as noted on the news this morning, is the All Barack Corporation, not to be confused with NBC, the National Barack Corporation. It is very unsettling that the broadcast and print media are so in love with Obummer that there cannot be fair reporting. The press is needed to investigate various issues, but when they are buddy-buddy with Obummer and the Obamunists we will not have good investigative reporting. Are we looking at the end of freedom of the press? BARTENDER.....

  2. Yes, I believe we are looking at the end of freedom of the press. FOX News is the exception, despite Obama's snide remarks about their reporting. The other networks should watch FOX and learn a thing or two about "fair and balanced" news coverage.

  3. Just tune in for the weather. The funny thing is we were just talking about this at work on Saturday. It started about Letterman and got into the interview with Palin and Matt. The next thing you know we were talking about the "news" they want to share with us. I can't wait to share Larry's ABC and NBC (they are great):)))

  4. Watching the weather channel takes up about two minutes of my time.The weather is rain, rain and more rain. As far as all the other stations are concerned, with the exception of Fox, all we get is propaganda and garbage. At least with Fox you get both sides of the story and some laughs too!
