Saturday, March 21, 2009


It's 6:20A.m. Monday morning, March 23. Today is my birthday so I am treating myself to a hot, sweet , gigantic corn muffin with butter and jam. It has been at least three years since I've tasted one, so I am really looking forward to it. As I slather the butter over the muffin I notice two stray blueberries that have somehow found their way into my corn muffin. At least I hope they are blueberries, so I lean in for a closer look. I can't believe it, the berries bear a striking resemblance to President Obama and Jay Leno and POP my muffin has lost its appeal and my appetite is gone. The memory of President Obama's disastrous appearance on the Leno show comes flooding back to me and I am completely incredulous. Did the leader of the free world say that his bowling skills belonged in the Special Olympics? The President of the United States went on national television to tell the world he bowled like a retard! His apology didn't resonate with me and I am quite confident that it did absolutely nothing for parents across the country who are raising children with disabilities. Now, I completely understand why President Obama never speaks without his trusty teleprompters at his side. His thoughtless and insulting remarks about the Special Olympics give new importance to the American Express motto,"Don't leave home without it". It is going to be a long time before I can look a blueberry in the eye again .


  1. One cannot disagree with your viewpoint!!!

  2. Thanks so much for your opinion and support. May the next blueberry you meet not look like Obama or Leno. Bon Appetit!

  3. Dear Lawrence,

    Thank you so much for Happy Birthday.

    Are you the only person reading my blog? If so, thank you so much.
