Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Today is Tuesday, May 5, 2009, but it feels more like February 5th.  It's cold, it's rainy and I need  something to warm me up this morning.   I'm going to have a delicious corn muffin with butter and jelly and a hot cup of tea.  

...POP...I just saw a video clip of Senator Dodd suggesting that water boarding terrorists is the evil equivalent of the extermination of 6 million Jews by the Nazis.  I nearly choked on my muffin and now I need some kind of medication to calm me down.  His twisted mind has come to the conclusion that President Bush should be put on trial for authorizing these techniques, because, after all, we prosecuted the Nazis so going after the former President is the only just course to follow.

It's a really good thing that this most certainly will be Dodd's last term in the Senate, because having to put up with his garbage is really too painful to contemplate.  

Excuse me, Senator Dodd, but aren't you the one who helped our country get into the worst financial mess since the Great Depression? How about we prosecute you for poor judgement in your shady dealings with AIG?  It sounds like a plan to me.

If bringing up water boarding was your attempt to divert the public's attention away from you and onto the former President, I don't think you succeeded.   No wonder you are so interested in digging up the past, your future seems a little bleak to me.  Oh, one other thing, these poor people who you are so worried about are terrorists.  Their sole mission in life is to hunt us down and kill us.  Does that bother you at all?  

If you are so concerned about their well-being why not go down to Guantanamo and bring them a picnic basket full of goodies from your home state.  Even better, why not invite a few of them to come live with you when the President closes down the prison.  

To quote another prominent resident of your state,  "It's a good thing."



  1. Senator Dodd......the ugly clod. And, schmuck!!! He is the typical Obamunist. Blames everyone, takes no responsibility. Fits right in with Obummer, Pelosi, Reid, Frank, Rangle etc. These Obamunists will let every incarcerated terrorist we have caught loose within the US. What do you think these terrorists will do? Apply for citizenship and a job? No, they will hook up with the terrorists that walk into the US to set up cells. Then, the next big attack. And we will have the Obamunists to thank. But it won't be their fault. They'll blame George Bush. After all, their s - -t doesn't stink. Just ask them, they'll tell you that. Unfortunately, the Obamunists are on TV and in the newspaper everyday preaching their garbage. Wake up, people, before it's too late!! Time for a JD. I need to calm down. Bartender..............

  2. What is Senator Dodd thinking? Or maybe he isn't - just talking to get noticed. POP, I agree that he's just trying to take the pressure off himself for taking the "no bonuses clause" out of the AIG contract. Shame on him. If you don't think he'll be re-elected, think otherwise. With Ted as his buddy, he will. - If he's thinking of resigning, I believe he will rethink that as well. His ego will not allow him to do this.

    Thanks, POP, for mentioning my birthday in your blog - (February 5th, of course).

  3. While he is down at Guantanamo with his picinic basket maybe he can offer some counseling sessions to these sick people too. Help them get over what WE have done to THEM. Not to worry what they are planning to do to us...

  4. taxlarry,

    Sorry, I got you all worked up. I called Fed-ex and they will be delivering some JD to your office to calm your nerves and soothe the savage beast.

  5. Kristine,

    Do you really think the people of your state of CT will re-elect this loser?

  6. Jennifer,

    You are right on target with your comment. Feeling the way he does I think an apology would be in order. After all, Obama has pretty much apologized to the entire world, it seems fitting that Dodd should tell the terrorists how sorry he is that they were captured!
