Friday, May 8, 2009


Today is Friday, May 8, 2009 and finally the sun is shining.  My breakfast choice this morning is one that I used to have all the time in my youth, Cinnamon Butter Toast.  It's very easy to prepare.  All I need are 2 slices of bread, butter, cinnamon and sugar.  I am going to brown the bread in butter in a skillet and then I will sprinkle a combination of  sugar and cinnamon on both sides and brown the bread a bit more.

Mmmm!  Delicious and just the way I remember it tasting as a kid.  Speaking of kids, boys and girls,  I have a story to tell you this morning.  Once there was a woodcarver who carved a little girl out of wood.  Her name was Nancy Pelosi and all she really wanted was to be a real little girl and grow up to be Speaker of the House.   As soon as the woodcarver finished carving her nose, Nancy came alive and went off to Washington to run the world.  

Faster than a bunny rabbit, Nancy rose to power and with each statement she made to the press a strange thing began to happen.   Nancy's nose shot out like a pogo stick, growing faster than the speed of light.

In a panic, Nancy consulted the Blue Fairy who told her that her nose would grow every time she told a lie.  Well, children, this very morning Nancy's nose is longer than 1,000 pogo sticks because she was caught in a very big lie.

Nancy told the world that she had no idea that "enhanced interrogation techniques" were being used to extract information from terrorists.  She really was quite emphatic about it.  But poor Nancy wasn't telling the truth.  The CIA released a memo that clearly showed that Nancy knew all about the use of these techniques as far back as 2002.

So now, boys and girls, Nancy's nose is growing non-stop.  She had people on her staff consult the Blue Fairy and they learned that there was only one way Nancy could be a real Speaker of the House and get her nose to stop growing .  The Blue Fairy said that Nancy had to learn to be brave, honest and generous.

...POP...Too late for that!   Nancy is destined to remain a puppet of the Democrats until the end of time.  

The End.


  1. It's bad enough the yo-yos in California went for Obummer in the election, they have to infect us with Pelosi. The fact that this ying piece of garbage was elected to Congress is bad enough, but to be chosen for Speaker is an outrage. This woman should be locked in a room with the likes of Oprah, Streisand, Baldwin, etc. and pretend they are the Politburo of the Obamunist Party. I am sure the jerks in California are proud of their Speaker. That is why, boys and girls, there is no need for California. It would be nice to see that beaches on the Pacific Ocean are the sandy shores of Nevada and Arizona. I, for one, wouldn't miss California at all. I'll be back. Bartender.................

  2. taxlarry,

    What is a ying peice of garbage? Is this a ying yang thing?

  3. taxlarry,

    Oh.. now I understand. Thanks

