Monday, May 11, 2009


Good morning!  It's Monday, May 11, 2009,  and I ate so much yesterday I have no right to eat breakfast.  I am opening a container of fruity yogurt and I'll make myself a cup of tea and that will be my meal.  Sometimes you just have to know when enough is enough.

...POP...Enough is enough is exactly the way I feel about the Miss California debacle.  Later this afternoon,  Miss California USA co-directors Shannon Moakler and Keith Lewis will hold a news conference to discuss the controversy surrounding Carrie Prejan.  The state pageant has been investigating whether the 21-year old violated her contract by making public appearances with groups opposed to same-sex marriage and by failing to inform the pageant that she had posed provocatively as a teenager.  If their view is based upon these criteria then I would be inclined to say that she did,  indeed,  violate her contract.  The fact that she answered Hilton's question honestly with respect to her views on gay marriage is not at the core of the issue.  

I am sure we will all be waiting with baited breath to hear what today's news conference brings. Tomorrow should be even more interesting because Donald Trump will be holding a conference to settle the issue once and for all.  I suppose just one combined appearance would be sufficient, but not if you are Donald Trump and have an insatiable need for publicity.

The one thing to definitely emerge from this controversy, for me, is this:  Pageants are out-dated, embarrassing, irrelevant and  patronizing.  It is unbelievable that we still hold contests that require young women to parade around in bathing suits and be judged on their appearance.  

In a perfect world, young girls would refuse to be exploited  like show ponies by parents who use them to inflate their own damaged egos.  Donald Trump would have to get out of the pageant business for lack of interest on everyone's part, and young girls could seek out more appropriate role models.

I can dream, can't I?


  1. I feel like such a fool!!!! The question posed to Miss California was by PEREZ HILTON!! Who the heck is Perez Hilton? All along I thought the question was posed by PARIS HILTON!! I'm going to the bar at the MARRIOTT. BARTENDER.....

  2. What Marriott? Where? When? Save me a seat. I don't know who Perez Hilton is, either, and I'm sure Paris Hilton thinks Miss California is a senator!

  3. Tax Larry,

    Are you still at the Marriott? If you are order me a glass of cabernet. I'll see you in a few minutes.

  4. Be there at 6:15 this evening! We'll discuss the all important Miss California news conference.

  5. I think they should talk about that hair of the Donald's at the news conference. I think it's just as important
