Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Good morning! Today is Wednesday, May 13, and because it is five o'clock somewhere in the world,  I am having Amaretto French Toast for breakfast.  First I need to prepare some amaretto butter to use as a topping.  I will combine 1/2 cup butter with 2 tablespoons of amaretto and set it aside.  Next I will soak 12 slices of bread( I've invited a few friends for breakfast) in a mixture of 4 eggs, 1/2 cup milk and most importantly 6 tablespoons of amaretto.  I've pre-heated a large skillet with melted butter and I will cook the bread until the slices are golden brown.  Some amaretto butter  and syrup on top will be a perfect antidote to VicePresident Joe Biden's views on higher education. If he aggravates me, all I need to do is eat a piece of toast and I know I'll calm down.

V.P. Biden  recently told a group of very young students that he and President Obama want them all to go to college and that he and the President were going to make that possible.

...POP... First of all, it isn't nice to lie to children and promise them things that probably won't come true.  Where is the money going to come from to pay for all this?  Could the budget be any more bloated and out of control than it is? The answer is no, it couldn't.  

Second of all, is it really necessary or practical for everyone to attend college.  Once again, the answer is no.  College is not for everyone.   There are many important and valuable jobs that need to be filled that do not require a college education.   Not everyone is college material.  I know this is probably politically incorrect of me, but it is the truth.

When I was in school, students were offered a choice of different programs to choose from. Taking an academic program put them on the road to higher education.  Taking a commercial course prepared students for work immediately upon graduation from high school.  The program worked because it was realistic and practical.

In 1968 the City College of New York instituted a program known as open enrollment.  Prior to that year, each city college had strict requirements for admission that were always adhered to without exception.  In order to gain admittance to Brooklyn College, for example, a student had to have a certain average.  If your average was one point below the requirement, the college rejected you and you had to live with it.  By 1968, with the advent of open enrollment, everyone was encouraged to attend college and the schools introduced remedial courses for students who did not meet the school's already lowered standards.  

The program was a complete failure.  The number of remedial courses continued to grow as did the number of students attending them.  If that program was still in existence today, I believe the same students would still be there, trying to graduate!

If we are to have a society that utilizes everyone's unique talents and recognizes that there are differences in people and that we are all not the same,  the end result will be a society that functions better on a more realistic and practical level.  

I really want another piece of toast...Bartender!


  1. The Obamunists want those who can't or don't want to do anything for themselves to have everything. They don't even have to earn it, or qualify, they just have to want it. It's just like the folks who got mortgages they knew they couldn't afford to get beneficial treatment because they can't pay the mortgage. They get tax breaks or revisions to their mortgage. As the Obamunists view things, everyone should own a house even if they can't afford it. Now, everyone should have a college education. I'm thinking about all the parents that worked hard to put their kids through college, or those students who have loans they took out for tuition feel about this. The Obamunists are killing our country, but their followers are still cheering them because the followers are too stupid to see what is happening. You are right, however, it is 5 o'clock somewhere. Bartender!!!!!

  2. taxlarry,

    You are exactly right. The concept that everyone is entitled to everything whether or not they qualify is precisely the mentality that got us into the sub prime mortgage fiasco. Next it will be a free ride to college that keeps us in a financial mess. I think I'll have some more toast!
