Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A Hot and Spicy Breakfast Choice

Good morning everyone!  Today is Wednesday, May 27, 2009 and in honor of the new Supreme Court nominee, Sonia Sotomayor, I will be preparing a Jalapeno Omelet.  If you wish to join me, you will need 5 eggs, 1 jalapeno pepper, 1/3 cup each diced red and green peppers, 1/3 cup diced onion, 1/3 cup sharp grated cheddar cheese, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/4 teaspoon pepper and 1 or 2 tablespoons butter for frying.  Melt the butter in a skillet and saute peppers and onions. Season with salt and pepper.  Beat the eggs with a little water and slowly add to sauteed mixture. Simmer covered over low heat until eggs are set. Add cheese and wait about 1 minute for the cheese to melt.  Eat up!

President Obama has nominated Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court.  I watched the news conference yesterday and heard her speech.  Her story is a great American success story, just the kind of thing Americans are most proud of.  She came from humble beginnings and achieved so much,  not unlike the President.

However, having said all of the above,  I still long for the day when nominees to any position will be based solely on expertise and not on race or gender. President Obama's choice of a Hispanic woman to sit on the highest court of the land was a political decision more than it was a search for excellence. Perhaps the day will never come when we just pick the best person for the job. Electing President Obama to the Presidency is clear evidence of that premise. The country chose a President who barely had any experience at all, but was poised and ready to put an African American in the White House.  It made the country feel good, which is not the best way to choose a leader, but nevertheless it happened and an important chapter in our history was written.   Judge Sotomayor will no doubt be confirmed.  There aren't enough opposition votes to block her confirmation,  so the Supreme Court will have another woman, and for the first time a Hispanic woman,  on the bench.   I believe all parts of our society should be represented in the Supreme Court as well as in government, and the private sector.  I may be very naive, but I wish we could come to this balance, naturally , without engineering the proper ratio of all kinds of people.

There is one thing about Judge Sotomayor that I find very perplexing. Last year a case was brought before her court that involved employment discrimination. Firefighters in New Haven, Connecticut went before the court  because they were refused promotions despite the fact that they passed the test and were qualified to move ahead. The group was composed of 18 white firefighters, one of them Hispanic.  The promotions were denied because none of the African American firefighters scored high enough to be promoted.  When the case came before Judge Sotomayor it was dismissed with only a single brief paragraph of reasoning.

I have no doubt that this particular case will come up for discussion and questioning during her confirmation hearings.  Despite the President's request that she be confirmed quickly, I hope Congress takes the time to do their homework.  

...POP...What's the hurry?  Where's the fire?


  1. The fact is that she will be confirmed. She will replace another liberal voice on the Court. The fact that she is Hispanic and a woman is not an issue with me. However, her position in the firefighters' case is a negative to me. But, a president is entitled to appoint or nominate anyone he wishes. Look at Obummer's appointments. Hillary, Geithner for Treasury, Biden for VP, Chu for Housing, etc. The list goes on. He either chooses tax cheats or idiots. Through his Housing Sec he is telling us what color our roofs should be. Basically, obummer is trying to manage our lives, just like Comrades Khruschev and Bresznev tried to do in the old USSR. Ain't gonna work, floppy ears! BARTENDER!

  2. POP - I thought the same thing yesterday, when Sonia Sotomayor was nominated. She may be the most qualified, and deserves the nomination; however, I still believe that we look first at race, then ability. Why do we have a need to place a minority? If Sonia Sotomayor is the best one for the job, then so be it! Give it to her! If not, then give it to the most qualified person (not man, or woman, or minority). It's about time the American people are judged as Americans, not African Americans, not Hispanic Americans, not Asian Americans. When in France, do we call people Asian French, Hispanic French or African French? NO!!!!!! We are Americans - period!
    Or am I a White American?
    Let's forget color, race, religion, and just be what we are - Americans

  3. taxlarry,

    I understand what you are saying, but my thoughts on this are that Congress should be thorough in their confirmation process and not try to ram it through like a speeding train.

  4. Kristine,

    You echo my sentiments exactly. Most people would say we are unrealistic, but I do look forward to a time when people are judged on their ability, not age, looks, skin color or gender. I can dream can't I?
