Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Breakfast On The Fly

Good morning!  Today is Tuesday, May 19, 2009 and I don't have a lot of time to prepare breakfast.  I'll toast a cranberry muffin and make myself a cup of tea.  I wonder what President Obama eats for breakfast.   I mean his routine is very arduous, up at the crack of dawn, change healthcare for the nation, overhaul the credit card industry in a week, decide what kind of cars Americans will be allowed to drive in a few years, threaten a few banks, tell the Prime Minister of Israel how to run his country, and dictate levels of compensation for big companies.

Whew!  I'm exhausted just thinking about all that he does in a day.  I'm also terrified of the impact all of this will have on my life and my family's life now, and for generations to come.

All of the President's plans come with a timetable that is unrealistic at best and dangerous at worst.  I use the word "dangerous" because,  for example,  if Congress is pressured to change the face of healthcare before they go into recess you can bet the ranch on the fact that a bill will be passed that no one has read and the American people will have to live with the awful consequences.

What's the hurry?  Where's the fire?  It's my opinion that the White House is operating on the magician's trick of sleight of hand.  If you do something very fast and divert the audience's attention from the real issue, then the trick succeeds and nobody is the wiser. I don't like being fooled.  I resent being given the bum's rush when it comes to issues that will have a significant impact on my life.  I do not appreciate being told what kind of healthcare I must have, what kind of car I will be allowed to drive or how much money I can expect to earn.

I live in America, not the former Soviet Union.  I appreciate and value my freedoms and I want to keep them.   We all better pay attention, because before we know it, all that we have come to love and expect in our lives will be changed forever.  That change will not be for the better.

I think it may be time for another round of tea parties.  I'll bring the muffins.


  1. We are now living at the beginning of the Socialist States of America. Obummer has been plotting to bring his socialist plans to change our country so that anyone who loves this country will not recognize it. I don't want a jaCkass telling me what kind of medical care I will get or what kind of a car I will drive. He wants the auto industry to have a fleet that gets 35 mpg by 2016. Wonderful, Obummer. Have you figured out how much that will cost to design and build such cars? Get the government out of private industry or this place will look a lot like for former Soviet Union. Or, it may look a lot like Venezuela. Same kind of leadership without the oil. Oh, yeah, this morning I read in the New York Slimes that I am a deadbeat. I pay off my credit card every month and I am a deadbeat for doing that. According to the Nilson Report, people like me have been getting a free ride! So Obummer is noW championing the rights of people who are credit risks because they have credit card balances they can't pay because they buy everything they see. Hey, no need to work hard and be prudent with your finances. Big F---ing brother will take care of you on the backs of those who are responsible and prudent people. God is not blessing America. God is condeming us with Obummer and the Obamunists!! BARTENDER!!

  2. taxlarry,

    I'm so upset right now, I need a bartender!

  3. I need a bartender, as well!!!!
    What ever happened to research and due diligence? Doesn't our governing leaders have a responsibility to be certain whatever health care system comes out of this vote, is well researched? I don't want to become a guinnea pig for anyone, certainly not the government for health care or what car I can purchase.
    I was thinking the other day. If I was forced to purchase an American car which would I choose? It appears that soon I will only have one choice, so now I don't have to worry about it. This is a very scary situation.
    Now for my breakfast - or should I go straight for the bar---- tender!

  4. POP!!!!!
    congrats - you are now a deciPOP!

  5. Kristine,

    Do yourself a favor...call for a bartender immediately! I just listened to the news and it is only going to get worse.

    Thanks so much for the congrats- I'm officially a deci-POP! It has a nice ring to it.

  6. It's NovGal! She's finally done it.
    All I can say is today's blog has made me feel so mad and unempowered. How can we stop these legislators from taking away our freedom to choose. Do you think these so called congressmen are going to give up their health plans and start driving comicmobiles? Where will they go when the USA turns into the SSA? From one "deadbeat" to another, I surely hope there are many people out there who want to participate in the next tea party!!

  7. anita,

    We have to bombard the idiots in Congress with our objections. All they care about is being in power and staying in power, so it's possible they'll listen.

    Will you bring some muffins too?
