Friday, May 15, 2009


Today is Friday, May 15, 2009 and I am having Cheerios for breakfast.  I know I ate Cheerios yesterday, but I am  living the movie "Groundhog Day", so I feel the need to repeat yesterday's breakfast.

...POP... I can't believe that we, meaning the media, the nation, the Congress are still carrying on about water boarding.  Personally, I am sick and tired of the entire issue and if this insane probing of who knew what when doesn't stop, I will personally water board Nancy Pelosi!

First of all, it is my understanding that we subject our own troops to water boarding as part of their training.  Torture takes on a whole other meaning for me.  Something like chopping off a body part sounds like torture.  Confinement with insects such as a caterpillar would be "torture" for me, but not for an terrorist. Sleep deprivation isn't pleasant, just ask any new mother, but torture for a terrorist, I don't think so.

We need to move forward as a nation and re-gain our dignity and status as a super power. Lately, all we have been doing, thanks to the new administration, is saying"mea culpa" to the world and making collective jack-asses out of our country.

I have a suggestion for a new "enhanced interrogation technique".   Lock the suspect in a room with Nancy Pelosi for 5 minutes and,  in return for getting out of that room, the bad guy will tell all.

It's worth a try.  I have to get back to my Cheerios now.  Enjoy the week-end!


  1. Being in a room with Nancy Pelosi is a nightmare. Throw in Harry Reid, Hillary, Barney Frank, Charlie Rangle and Joe "the Shmo" Biden, a terrorist will tell all in less than a minute. Probably, the terrorists will be so terrified of us they will start drinking alcohol!! Which reminds me, BARTENDER!!!

  2. taxlarry,

    Actually, everyone you just named terrify me! Bartender!

  3. Our torture techniques need not be publicized. With most of the world working against us, I believe that whatever works for our safety is necessary. If it's waterboarding, so be it! If it's locked in a room with a mosquito (without a racquet) so be it! If it's locked in a room with a case of wine, so be it!
    Our security is and should be first in everyone's mind.

  4. Kristine,

    Locked in a room with a case of wine is my kind of torture!

  5. It's sort of like tuning in on a soap opera you haven't watched in weeks.

  6. Anita.greenspan,

    Right, a really bad boring soap opera, over and over again!
