Wednesday, April 22, 2009


...POP...   It's Wednesday, April 22, 2009 and I haven't even thought about breakfast.  When I went to sleep last night, President Obama told the nation that he had no intention of looking any further into interrogation techniques  used in the Bush era.  He did, however, approve the release of highly classified documents which gave our enemies a "heads-up"  of all the things we will no longer subject them to should they be captured. 

Well, what a difference a day makes.  As of this morning the president has changed his mind and is, once again, turning his attention backwards to the Bush administration.  What a complete waste of time, money and energy.  Unbelievably, people who advised the former president about the parameters and legality of interrogation techniques could be charged with conspiracy to commit felonies,  along with those that ordered the military to initiate them.

President Obama and his administration would be better served to pay attention to what they are doing and forget about blaming President Bush for everything that is wrong in the world today.  I along with many other people are sick of the blame game;  we're done!

What I'm wondering about now is how the Obama boys in Washington are going to obtain vital information that will keep us safe at home. Instead of harsh interrogation , are they going to invite the terrorists to brunch in the hope that a little hummus will go a long way to loosening their tongues?  How about a free ride to college if they tell us what building they are planning to blow up next?

If the actions on the part of the current administration aren't  proof of the death of common sense, then I don't know what is.  War is a brutal act.  It should be brutal so nations don't come to it easily.  It is not a game, it is a matter of life and death.  Terrorists took down the Towers on September 11th and there are other people out there willing to do the same thing all over again.  Innocent, hard-working men, women and children lost their lives that day.  I can say unequivocally, that I am not concerned about the animals that took such joy in killing innocent people.  I am perfectly willing to let the C.I.A do its job to keep us safe from further harm.

President Obama and his administration are trying to tie the hands of those we have always trusted to keep us safe.  Whether you liked President Bush or despised him,  after September 11,  our country was safe under his watch.  In any case, he is not the president,  Obama is.  It is time for him to formulate some policy that makes sense and to stop kissing the asses of those who would like to see us fall.

I don't have the time or inclination to make anything fancy for breakfast today.  Just like Janie Rossman, a loyal follower of this blog, I will have a Vita Muffin and a skim latte.


  1. Ah, BreakfastPOP, you are right on, as usual. I guess the Obamunists who just love old Flapping Ears (Obummer's native American name), won't care if they lose friends and loved ones to the next terrorist act in the US. While Obummer wants to give the Treasury away to those who don't contribute, maybe we could give the terrorists who are already in this country, a free college education. Or, may free flying lessons. Where's my JD?

  2. I have always been totally opposed to telling the world our "secrets" - how else do we stay safe? There are too many terrorists out there, and many countries who dispise Americans. We don't need to tell them what they need to do to bring us down; or, is it too late?
    Taxlarry - what is a JD?
    POP - Don't know what is Vitamuffin is either.

  3. Taxlarry,

    i had no idea Obama was a native americn. How come he didn't apologize to them. They're a group of people who actually deserve an apology! I suspect your JD is in your digestive track!

  4. Kristine,

    I'll answer for taxlarry, if you don't mind. JD is Jack Daniels which kind of explains a lot about taxlarry, I suspect.

  5. Kristine,

    I almost forgot.. a VitaMuffin is a delicious whole grain treat with very few calories. You can get a whole muffin or just a muffin top. Quite yummy, probaly better than your shake.
