Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Today is Wednesday, April 29, 2009 and I am preparing a Cheesy Noodle Omelette for breakfast today in recognition of Arlen Specter's defection to the Democratic party.  His announcement was cheesy at best and proof of what happens when you have noodles for brains!

I'm using 2 eggs, a little salt and pepper, 1/2 cup of cooked noodles and 1/2 cup of shredded cheddar cheese.  A little pimento will give the dish some added flavor.  I'll prepare the dish by combining all the ingredients in a heat-resistant covered casserole and placing it in the oven for three minutes.  I'll let it sit for a few additional minutes and then it's good to go.

Arlen Specter's defection to the Democratic party places him in the dubious company of Benedict Arnold and Tokoyo Rose.  His move is selfish and self-serving and doesn't have a fig to do with the philosophy or leanings of the Republican party.  It concerns only Sen. Specter's desire to be a senator until the end of time.  

Everyone should be offended and disgusted by his defection, because it undermines democracy and silences an entire group of people who are entitled to have a voice in government.   It gives the Democratic controlled Congress and White House carte blanche to pass whatever legislation they deem fit.  His move silences all opposition and puts all of us at risk regardless of political affiliation, because dissent and discussion are essential to the workings of a democracy, a point that can't be stressed enough.  If this country ends up with a health care system patterned after Canada's we will have Arlen Specter to thank when we have to wait two years to get an MRI.

Let's all join hands and hope that the Dishonorable Arlen Specter Benedict Arnold goes down in defeat in the Pennsylvania primary in 2010...POP...


  1. This is another example of a jerk switching to the Obamunist party. Moron Spector, obviously, believes that he should be a Senator at any cost. It's truly amazing how this jackass thinks he should be a Senator for life. This jackass probably can't hold any other job because he is, most likely, not qualified to do anything including being a US Senator. He is such a chicken that he feels Pat Toomey would defeat him in a Republican primary. (Well, in his defense he is behind in the polls by about 2 to 1). So, this jerk thinks he will move ahead if he switches parties. PEOPLE OF PENNSYLVANIA - STAND UP AND RECALL THIS JACKASS...ACT LIKE YOU GOT A PAIR!!!. I always thought I would like to live in Pa even though they have the Phillies and the Eagles. But this is the ultimate test... I hope the Republican candidate defeats this jackass in the election. Then, maybe I could live in Pa. Until then, where is my JD?

  2. Once again, POP, you have given a fair assessment of a current event. Arlen Spector needs to be voted out no matter which party he wants to belong to.
    Taxlarry: You have given another colorful assessment.

  3. taxlarry,

    Something tells me you have already had some JD. Pennsylvania is a great state despite Benedict Arlen!

  4. Kristine,

    You are always so supportive of my blog and I thank you. What' s for breakfast?
