Monday, April 6, 2009


Good morning, today is Tuesday, April 7, 2009 and I am preparing a scrambled burrito for breakfast. I am using two whole-wheat tortillas, four eggs, milk, butter, one-half of an avocado, some grated low-fat cheese and two tablespoons of sour cream. While I wait for the oven to heat to 350 degrees, I'm listening to a discussion on television that concerns President Obama's remarks in Europe over the week-end. He stood before a large audience and told the world that America has shown arrogance and has treated the great nations of Europe in a manner that he characterized as dismissive and derisive. He mispronounced derisive so perhaps he should have chosen a different put-down.

To be fair, he did also point out that Europe hasn't always treated us with respect, despite the good we do in the world. This last remark did not, however, mitigate his comdemnation of America one bit and I am both outraged and horrified. I'm quite sure his audience enjoyed hearing him insult the United States, but his comments didn't play well at home.

Why was it so easy for President Obama to say such awful things about a country that elected him to the presidency? Is it possible that the the answer lies in his long-standing relationship with Rev. Wright? President Obama and his family sat in church week after week and heard Rev. Wright spew hatred and loathing for our country. Although the President tried to distance himself from Wright for the sake of the campaign, his remarks this week-end make it quite clear that all those years of exposure to Wright's rantings have had an enormous impact on him.

The President's speech in Europe reveals much about his orientation and relationship to all we hold dear in this country. The reason President Obama could sit in church and not question the message or the messenger is because he is aligned with the Reverend in his disdain for our country. I have always thought it strange that the country was so willing to overlook his relationship with Wright.

It has been suggested that Obama made these awful remarks in an attempt to apologize for the Bush years. If he thought an apology would be enough to persuade our allies to cooperate with us he was sadly mistaken and misguided. The nations of Europe will do exactly as they please, as they have always done, although I'm quite sure they were delighted to hear someone finally put America in its place. The United States of America is the most generous nation in the world and we deserved better from our allies. Perhaps it is fashionable to bite the hand that feeds you. The one thing I am absolutely certain of is that we deserved better from our President.

...POP... I think I will wrap the scrambled eggs in the tortillas and put them away for lunch. Right now I feel like eating something very American, like a slice of warm apple pie.


  1. Obummer is a typical left-wing socialist who wants to change things. The dopes who elected him thought change is great!! The problem is that the dopes who elected him wanted change so bad they would have elected Hitler or some Frenchman. The problem is that Obummer smiles, probably wiggles his ears and talks. However, the dopes that elected him can't get past the smile. Therefore, THEY DON'T HEAR WHAT HE SAYS!!! THEY HAVE NO CLUE WHAT HE IS ABOUT. AND IT'S TOO BAD THE DOPES ARE IN THE MAJORITY!! THEY ARE SCREWING EVERYTHING UP FOR ME!! I have spoken

  2. Dear taxlarry,

    Yes you have spoken loud and clear and I thank you.
