Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I picked up some gorgeous, plump, ruby-red strawberries the other day and I am going to have them for breakfast this morning.  I'll add some  sour cream and a bit of sugar and I'll be good to go.  Today is Friday,  April 17,  2009.

As I put together my very easy to prepare breakfast, my mind wanders to something I read just the other day.

We all know that having sex on a regular basis is very important for the health of a relationship, but as it turns out  sexual activity may be far more important for your health. Studies have shown that sexually active people have a greatly reduced risk of heart disease, provided they don't drop dead while in the act.  Barring such an outcome,  frequent sex can help you lose weight, build strong bones and muscles and alleviate depression.  

The reports further point out that a romp in the hay will greatly reduce the frequency of colds and flu, produce better bladder control, strong , healthy teeth and a very contented prostate. Does it get any better than this? 

I think not, but I do have something I'd like to point out.  It's just a guess, but I have a very strong feeling that Americans are too stressed out to be in the mood for sex as often as necessary to produce the resulting benefits to their health.

So...POP...I have a prescription for a healthier life.  Pickup a bunch of delicious strawberries and a bottle of bubbly.  Not only are strawberries a sexy fruit, but they are loaded with fiber and are believed to have nutrients that prevent heart disease.  Now turn down the lights, get cozy with the one you love and don't call me in the morning.  I'm sleeping in.


  1. How does that explain all the old priests?

  2. Now I know why I'm gaining weight!!!!!

  3. taxlarry.. Come to think of it the nuns seem to live to ripe old ages too!

  4. Kristine,

    Funny, funny, funny..I almost choked on my strawberry!!
